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The man we met yesterday may be jogging in the park now.含有情态动词的完全倒装,如果是进行体,只把现在分词短语提前句首,may be 位置不变:Jogging in the park now may be the man we met yeasterday.(现在分词+地点状语 + may/can be + 主语)倒装的原因是由于句子主语太长而后置,以保持句子匀称,属于修辞范畴...

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Skiing is just one of the activities that Simonsen, Arc's chief executive, and Bjarke Ingels, its lead architect, hope will enhance the latest jewel in Copenhagen's sustainability crown.that 引导“嵌入式定语从句”,黑体部分为“嵌入成分”(定语从句的主句,是主谓结构:sb. hopes)。为了理解,去掉嵌...

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请问like可以引导虚拟语气从句吗,就像as if

He sits there smiling like it was his birthday.在美国英语中,like 可以用作连词,引导“方式状语从句”。相当于 as 或 as if。Please do the job like I do. (= as 按照,像)He sits there smiling like it was his birthday.(= as if 好像,仿佛)网友这个句子,was 是一般过去时,是陈述语气,不是虚拟语气。wa...

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those whose farms he burnt怎么理解

Despite the protection money he offered to those (1)   whose farms he burnt (2)...这不是完整的句子,只是一个 despite 介词词组。两处划线,都是定语从句。定语从句(1)修饰 money;定语从句(2)修饰 those(那些人)。【翻译】尽管他给那些被他烧毁农场的人提供了保护费,......

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The speaker who has no specific words in his working vocabulary may be unable to explain or describe in a way that can be understood by his listeners.在这个句子中,explain or describe 都是 the speaker 的动作,都需要接宾语(即:his meanings)。其实,who has no specific words in his working vocabulary...

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网友这个问题,我看了半天才明白是怎么回事,现解答如下:as/though 引导让步从句时,所谓的“倒装”并非真正意义上的倒装。因为倒装句的前提条件是:谓语的全部或者谓语的一部分提到主语之前。例如:1. There stands a temple on the top of the mountain. 山顶上有一座庙。2. From the distance came a policeman. 远处来了...

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Those punished for their comments on social media include 16-year-old Amos Yee, who was jailed after publishing a video criticising the late Lee Kuan Yew that was deemed to have been obscene and insulting to religious feelings.【翻译】那些因在社交媒体发表言论而受到处罚的人中,包括16岁的Amos Yee,他...

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We are ready for co-operation, but we are not ready to surrender and to be the subordinate of Russia.一般而言,两个以上的不定式并列时,第2个不定式符号to 都可以承前省略。就这个句子而言,to be the subordinate of Russia 中的to 是完全可以省略的,当然不省略也不错。以下句子中,be 前的to 都省略了。They agr...

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Occasion carries the basic denotation characteristic of its leading senses—a definite moment or juncture大致意思是:occasion 的基本含义就是它特有的主要意思——a definite moment or juncture(具体的“时刻”和“场合”)carry:具有...意思;the basic denotation:基本含义;characteristic of its leading senses:...

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In 1929 the United States motion picture industry released more than 300 sound films—a rough figure, since a number were silent films with music tracks, or films prepared in dual versions, to take account of the many cinemas not yet wired for sound.【翻译】1929年,美国的电影业共上映了300多部有声电影...

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