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I've put a mark on the map where I think we should go for a picnic.【翻译】我在地图上作了个记号,标出了我认为我们应该去野餐的地方。【分析】这是《剑桥词典》上的例句。where I think we should go for a picnic 是定语从句无疑,但它不是修饰map,而是修饰mark。下面,我分析句子成分:I’ve put a mark o...

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疑问句的格式(用特殊疑问词开头,把was 提到主语之前,部分倒装语序),但句末则是叹号。—— 这属于疑问句的格式,感叹句的内容。又如:What have you done! 你做了些什么乱七八糟的!How did he get so excited! 他那时变得多么兴奋啊!

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以下词组中的介词短语,肯定与前面的动词有关,就关系来看都是作状语,具体来说:equip sb with sth.  (方式状语)divide...into... (结果状语)liken...to...  (对象状语)compare...to... (对象状语)

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can,could用法疑问(Electricity can/could be dangerous.)

两句都属于推测用法。现代英语中,can 用于肯定句,完全可以表示“推测”,本句便是其中一例。can 表示的“推测”用于肯定句,主要指理论上的可能性、普遍的可能性、当然的可能性等。并非说话者主观认为的可能性,即:不是说话者的主观推测。例如:Electricity can/could be dangerous. 电可能是很危险的。Anyone can make mist...

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far fewer以及find的搭配疑问

According to a 2017 survey, 70 percent of South Koreans do not eat dogs, but far fewer—about 40 percent—believe the practice should be banned. It also found 65 percent support raising and slaughtering dogs in more humane conditions. 【翻译】根据2017年的一项调查,70%的韩国人不吃狗肉,但远远更少—...

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32 赞同

as much a success as 和 a success as much as

从这个问题看出,网友对“比较结构”中的修饰关系,尚未搞清楚。其实,原答案中还有一个答案是正确的,那就是C。也就是说:4个答案中:A C正确,B D错误。以下几种表达都正确:1. It was as much a success as we had hoped.(正)2. It was as much of a success as we had hoped.(正)3. It was ...

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省略句疑问(to on a single shift)

不可以加on。介词to 后可以接名词、代词、动名词,但不可以接介词。如果补全,将会非常啰嗦,from...to... 后面完全平行并列:He has changed from running the factory on three shifts to running the factory on just a single shift.

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原句有误,似改为:The children are to do their homework the moment they _______ at school.名词词组 the moment 可以用作连词,引导时间从句,意思跟as soon as 同。主句是 be to do 将来时,时间从句用一般现在时。若没有,则可以考虑使用现在完成时,代替将来完成时,表示将来那个时间业已完成的动作。故本题选择 A...

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分析see to it that结构

see to it that...结构分析。see 在这里表示“一定做到;务必保证”之意,that 从句是“一定做到;务必保证”的内容。几个注意点:1. to it 可以省略,但that 不可以省略。2. see 一般用原形(祈使句或将来时),不用saw 或have seen 等其他时态。跟make sure,be sure 用法基本相同。3. that 从句多用一般现在时,偶用将来时。...

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to an alarm clock怎么理解

Most people had to wake to an alarm clock.这里,to 表示“依据;伴着;随着” 之意,to an alarm clock 作方式状语。又如:Children dance to the music until the music stops . 孩子们跟着音乐跳舞直到音乐结束。

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