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Badly as he was wounded:这样做,把表示程度的 badly 提前句首,而后面没有所修饰的形容词,已经失去了强调的价值,无法形成“让步” 意义。不了解语言的内涵,只顾形式是不可以的。

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What these camps offer is an opportunity to take part in activities,(an opportunity 的定语)for example,horse riding and water skiing.(activities 的同位语)

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would rather…than

I would rather have gone to the theater than stayed home last night.本句,用过去时 stayed 是正确的。主句用 would rather + 完成体,是对过去情况的虚拟用法。would rather have gone 的意思指昨晚“但愿、宁可去看戏”,但实际情况是没有去。这里表示一种后悔惋惜。句子等于说:I didn't go to the theater,...

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day 2 和 the second day 有区别吗

没有区别。英语的序数表达,最常用的格式是:“the + 序数词 + 名词”。例如:第一课:the first lesson第二课:the second lesson还有一种更简练的表达法,就是:“名词+基数词”。例如:第一课:lesson one第二课:lesson two▲以此类推:第一次世界大战:the First World War第二次世界大战:the Second World War还可说:第...

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这里的might have used究竟何意?

I got up and went away without a word.I walked slowly up to the little park near my hotel, leaving Judson Tate alone with his conscience. My feelings were lacerated. He had poured gently upon me a story that I might have used.根据网友的提问和所用的几个字眼,看得出网友对 might have done 的用法至今仍...

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Through a more diffuse "halo effect", whereby its good deeds earn it greater consideration from consumers and others.通过一种更加分散的“光环效应”,(就是凭此)公司的善举为消费者和其他人赢来了更多的关怀。这个句子是简单句。whereby 是副词,不是连词。用来对前面“方式状语”的强调,意为就是“借此;...

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millions:指人。等于 millions of people。

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It feels like silk.为什么不用被动啊

feel 的主语,是没有感觉的“物”时,feel 表示“给人的感觉”,主动形式表示被动意义。It feels like silk.The silk feels smooth.feel 的主语,是有感觉的“人”时,feel 表示“自己的感觉”,主动形式表示主动意义。I feel very cold.She is feeling better.  

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You have no idea how much of a line you are crossing. 划线部分是 idea 的同位语从句。much 是副词,how much 用来表示“程度”,它可以用来表示名词的程度,此时应加of:how much of a + 名词。又如:It was really quite astonishing how much of a man he was! 很令人惊讶的是,他是一个多么了不起的人啊!But you...

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's 和 of 什么时候可以互换,什么时候不可以互换?

They really appreiate the peace and quiet of rural Wales.注意:专有名词 Wales (威尔士)要大写。可以用所有格表示,但定冠词 the 需要去掉:They really appreiate rural Wales's peace and quie. 

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