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as required 的完整形式是什么

Do exercise as often as required.【答】在as 之后省略了is,完整的表达是:Do exercise as often as is required. 我认为,“比较代词”as 替代整个主句的内容,相当于that you do exercise often. 只有这样理解,require 才讲得通:We require that you do exercise often.Do exercise as often...

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to write about作目的状语却无宾语的疑问与其他疑问

听力句子:I gave you a list of appropriate works of art for you to write about.有几个疑问,请教老师:1.for you是a list of appropriate works of art的定语还是引导to write about逻辑主语呢?2.gave you.....for you,我感觉后面的for you是多余的。3.to write about算是目的状语还是宾语补足语呢?4.write about为...

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turn things on one's head与单独一个than的理解

That's certainly fascinating! But...so this biologist is basically claiming that people who like to eat these vegetables actually have some sort of sensory deficit? Sort of makes us picky eaters than normal ones, doesn't it? I mean, that's kind of turning things on their head, isn't...

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soldiers of the free press同位语的问题

1. lay easily accessible to my right hand:系表结构。lie (系动词)accessible (形容词)to my right hand2. us soldiers of the free press: soldiers of the free press 是us 的同位语。意为:“我们这些新闻自由工作者(战士)”

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she would have been unable to...此处时态如何理解

would have been unable to communicate,是 “would + 完成式” 结构。它有两层意思:1. 对过去情况的推测。意为“(在过去当时)可能无法表达”。2. 与过去情况不符或相反的虚拟语气。意为“原本无法表达,而实际却表达了”。根据句意,本句属于第一种用法。would have done,可以表达两种情况:1. 表示与过去情况不符或相反的...

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从这个问题看出,网友对“比较结构”中的修饰关系,尚未搞清楚。其实,原答案中还有一个答案是正确的,那就是C。也就是说:4个答案中:A C正确,B D错误。以下几种表达都正确:1. It was as much a success as we had hoped.(正)2. It was as much of a success as we had hoped.(正)3. It was more a suc...

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本句 in a hurry 使用有误。它的意思是“匆忙;赶快”,说明做事草率,慌张。它用在本句修饰forgotten 讲不通(不是“匆忙忘记”),修饰turn off 更讲不通,因为turn off 没有发生。这里的意思应该是“因匆忙而忘记关掉煤气”:in one's hurry(因匆忙;情急之下),不是in a hurry。On the way to work,it occurred to him...

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company as his是什么结构

She felt it would be utterly mortifying to be seen in such company as his by anyone.【结构分析】1. 这句话,felt 后面是个宾语从句。2. 宾语从句中,不定式to be seen...是真正主语;it 是形式主语。3. would be:表示推测。即可能性。4. utterly mortifying:完全令人羞愧的;彻底无地自容的。5. to be seen by anyo...

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1. I go to a bookstore. At a counter we notice......【答】At a counter 和 At the counter 同样正确,只是意思不同。区别是:前者表示“书店其中的一个柜台(多个柜台)”;后者表示“书店的那个柜台(只有一个柜台)”。2. We come to a small town.The houses were new and the streets were wide.【答】本句,houses 和...

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Teachers also need to eat. It takes their time and energy to answer my questions. So I 've sent my teachers some flowers to  buy noodles. I wish my teachers a happy May Day. (The above sentences are imaginary for learning English with no other meanings. If anything goes wrong, please forgiv...

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