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What you say is true in a sense.(what是什么意思)


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Investors led by China’s Anbang Insurance offered $12.8 billion in cash for Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, owner of brands including Sheraton, Westin and W. The bid threatens to upset Marriott’s $11 billion, cash-and-shares takeover, which would create the world’s biggest hotel chain.【答...

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此时的 any 通常用于修饰什么样的名词呢?【答】从你提问的这些问题看,仅限于any 作为限定词(形容词)的用法,不涉及any 作为代词或副词的用法。1. 用于否定句:后接什么名词?单数名词还是复数名词?2. 用于疑问句:后接什么名词?单数名词还是复数名词?3. 用于条件句:后接什么名词?单数名词还是复数名词?【答】any...

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just as的用法

Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective, a strain of critical opinion in the 1920s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that would soon fade from sight, just as had many previous attempts, dating well back before the First World War, to link images with recor...

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which affords glimpse into the breakup of formerly continuous environments:【翻译】这对先前延续下来的环境的衰败提供了大致的认识。glimpse意为:“初步的认识”。例如:a glimpse into the future 对前途的大致展望 《柯林斯词典》 

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关于thank sb to do sth的疑问

我从另一个角度解答这个问题,以便让网友更容易理解:【句式】1. thank you for doing sth. (正确)2. thank you to do sth. (正确)【区别】1. thank you for doing sth. —— for doing sth.是“感谢”的原因状语。2. thank you to do sth.—— to do sth. 是“感谢”的条件状语。【例句比较】1. Thank you for closing the win...

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Babylon is what is now Bagdad.的理解

Babylon is what is now Bagdad.理解该问题的关键是:what 在表语从句中作主语,Bagdad 作表语,所以不能把is 放在句末。what是一个“复合连接代词”,也叫“复合关系代词”,在本句的作用,相当于 the place which... 用它替换what 后,句子如下:Babylon is the place which (= what) is now Bagdad.【直译】巴比伦就是现在为...

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直接都用 where I am needed:1. I will go where I am needed.(地点状语)2. I don't know where I am needed.(know 的宾语)直接都用 to help us:1. They came to help us.(目的状语)2. They wanted to help us.(wanted 的宾语)仔细考虑一下:完全一样的词句,为何两种划分?  

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the Airport Operators Council的翻译与语法

the Airport Operators Council 意思是:“机场运营商协会”,说明这个组织有多个“机场经营者”参与,而形成的民间组织。复数名词作定语,一般表示“该名词通常以复数面孔出现”或者“只有复数才能表达此意”。Public Services Department   公共服务部门 (服务是多种多样的)Health Services Organiziton   医疗服务机...

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短句翻译批阅(指定词汇departure 和enormous)

我觉得,这句话不要使用make,直接用 Departures from tradition 做主语更好,Departure 是由动词depart (离开;脱离;违背)变来的名词,本身具有动词性质,这样句子更简练。此外,“需要”用take 好于need。翻译如下:Departures from tradition take an enomous amount of courage.

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