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aginst 是一个多义介词。具体那种意思,要根据具体语境和搭配来判断。本句除了结合语境外,weapon 这个词很关键,它既然是“武器”,那么against 就意味着“反对;对付;对抗;抵御;防备;对......不利”等意义。所以,根据上下文从中选择一个更恰当的词语即可。句子意思是:“众所周知,多样性虽是生活的调味品,但它也是不利...

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being able to work as a team and also sometimes plan with the rough conditions ahead.plan 是动词,跟 to work 并列。with 的意思是“根据......”。plan with the rough conditions ahead,根据将来可能出现的艰苦条件作出计划。

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网友的句子不符合语法,仅口语可以使用。consider 后面应接一个名词性从句(间接的疑问句):You have to consider what size the place is.该句问的是“地方大小”,what size 是必须有的。

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句中about it作什么成分

有必要。it 指前文的eating less(少吃);being about it:对此(少吃)感到满意、高兴、快乐。如果没有about it,感到快乐跟少吃就没有联系了,快乐的原因就不得而知了。The secret to eating less and being happy about it may have been cracked years ago.【翻译】少吃而感到快乐的秘诀,可能在多年前就已经被破解了...

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This is despite...正确吗

本句,指示代词用this 和 that,都没有问题。表达说话人对事件的“指向”,this 和 that 主要分别用来指代“近、远”两个概念。This is despite evidence that a dollar spent on risk-reduction saves at least two on reconstruction.【翻译】这样做根本不顾及已有的证据,即:一美元用于降低风险,节省了用于重建的至少两美...

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Whilst the number of cases involving litigation has not grown during the lifetime of UCP 500, the introuduction of the ICC's Documentary Credit Dispute Resolution Expertise Rules in October 1997 has resulted in more than 60 cases being decided.1. involve 是及物动词“涉及”,litigation (诉讼)为其...

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以上为书原文或原意。下为问题:一.29的结构不应该是主谓宾宾补吗?【答】网友对。原书错!二.30和31、32和33。区别就多了个will find。这个怎么区分它是主谓宾宾补和主谓双宾呢。和will有关系吗?【答】find 和make 两个动词都分别有两种句式:主语 + 动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语:S+V+IO+DO主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足...

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as...as...句型分析(为何第二个as后出现了has been)

1. In a contest as long and difficult as this campaign has been, his success alone commands my respect for his ability and perseverance.(主句)我把网友的句子稍微简化一下,就好理解了。暂去掉介词短语,去掉第一个as后:2. (In a contest) long and difficult as this campaign has been, his success alone...

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Predators are more likely to spot them than they would an individual animal on its own. 这是一个含有比较从句的复合句。主句:Predators are more likely to spot them  捕食者更容易发现它们(可能指群体的动物)从句:than they would an individual animal on its own  比起它们发现独自行动的单个...

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1)But as far as the drug culture that they used to talk about, it's not as heavy as it was back ten years ago.【答】back 是副词,可以表示“在后的位置”,也可以表示“追溯先前的时间”。本句指时间,修饰 ten years ago,起强调作用。去掉也可,意思没有太大变化。2)These ideals were nurtured in me as...

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