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It's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be.【翻译】无论你想成为什么样的人,永远都不嫌晚,或者在我看来,也不要太早。这句话的含义是:你想成就什么样的人,没有太晚,但我认为不要太早,大器晚成也很好。【分析】这是一个简单句,其中,不定式to be whoever you want to be作“结...

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He told me that the document would be returned as soon as it was completed.【翻译】他告诉我,这份文件一完成就要归还。网友应该会翻译这个句子:This book must be returned as soon as you finish reading it.两个return是完全一样的意思:“归还”。 

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我看到这样一句话:外置的主语that-分句作补足语所举的例句是:It appears that Frank lost his temper. 疑问:that Frank lost his temper 既然是外置的that-从句,又怎么作补足语呢?外置的主语 that- 从句——这不是主语从句吗?【答】我认为,本句中的that Frank lost his temper,不是“主语从句”, 更不是什么“补足...

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英文版《无人生还》几个句子中 that 的用法疑问

难怪网友的句子没法分析。你把最重要的一句话漏掉了,今后提问题一定要把句子写全。漏掉的句子是:You are charged with the following indictments:Edward George Armstrong, that you did upon the 14th day of March, 1925, cause the death of Louisa Mary Clees.Emily Caroline Brent, that upon the 5th November, 19...

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It is much the best place in Britain to live. 这绝对是在英国居住的最好地方。这句话可以改成这样吗: It is much the best place to live in Britain. 【答】不可以。转换后会产生误读,把in Britain 误解为作状语,修饰liv...

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​He raised his second line all the way up to bed.

不看上下文,单看此句:raise:举着。his second line:他的第二根线、绳。all the way:一路上;一直。up to bed:直到上床睡觉为止。【注】up to 表示动作“一直持续到”某个时间。bed 不加任何冠词,不表示睡觉用的家具“床”,而是“上床睡觉”这个时间。就像go to bed 不加冠词一样。

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once 用作连词,既可以表示“条件”(= if, as long as),也可以表示“时间”(=as soon as)。一般语法书,把它分别列入“引导条件从句”和“引导时间从句”的连词中。这需要具体语境具体判断,注意中文翻译。下面援引词典中的例句,once 引导“条件从句”:1. It isn't too difficult once you get the idea.  你一旦弄懂...

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early this week和earlier this week有什么区别


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I never do anything whatever on the ground that it is good for health, though in actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome. 【翻译】尽管实际上我喜欢做的事情大多数是有益于健康的,但我从不因某事有益于健康而特意去做它。我觉得,网友的问题有两个:1. 一个是 whatever 的词性,它是什么意...

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the way连接的前后句子时态不同

She handled her elders the way a snake charmer handles snakes.【翻译】她对待长辈的方式就像耍蛇人对待蛇一样。1. the way 的用法之一,在现代英语中把它视为连词,引导“方式状语从句”。the way a snake charmer handles snakes 等于:as a snake charmer handles snakes2. a snake charmer handles snakes 这个句...

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