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随便举一个例子:The voice from the TV that sounded familiar to me woke me up.定语从句 that sounded familiar to me,修饰 The voice 而非 the TV ,从意思即可看出来。因为只有voice 才能“听起来”,才能“吵醒我”。不可能是the TV(那台电视)。这叫做“先行词和定语从句,被其他成分分隔”,本句被介词短语 from t...

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will 本身就可以表推测(主观推测),与进行体有何关系呢?Those clouds look very dark. It is going to rain soon. 根据语境,这句才是正常的表达。 be going to 表示“客观迹象表明将要发生;根据客观迹象推测将要发生”。

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only that如何理解

在非正式英语中,only that 用作从属连词,引导状语从句,相当于except that。表示对前句的“排除”。意为 “只是;除了...之外;若非是”。网友的句子,前文表示“不清楚”,那么 only that 就表示相反或相对的意义:“只清楚;只知道”。It is unclear who prepared these early medallions, only that each individual box conta...

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Do you know anything about this food pyramid? What does it show?Many professional sports teams have recently added a new member to their organization---a nutritionist.本句,organization 只能用单数,不用复数。表面上看,许多体育队或球队,自然是许多的 organizations,即:有多少个 teams 就有多少个&n...

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All this may help explain the government’s surprising embrace of private charity, not something people are supposed to need in a proletarian paradise.【翻译】所有这些,都可能有助于表明政府对私人慈善的出乎意料的包容,(慈善)不是无产者乐园人们应该追求的东西。not something people are supposed to need...

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Leave what is behind and press forward.I've gone from a life without limbs into a life without limits.Are you going to make the choice, to dream big?1. behind 是副词,作名词性从句的表语。2. from a life without limbs into a life without limits:from......

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A reporter asked them why they love China and their answer was because China has a long history. (误)A reporter asked them why they love China and their answer was that China has a long history. (正)究其原因,从根本上说,because 从句是不能充当表语的,它仍然是状语从句,因为主语必须是指“事件”...

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Most of the time there have been what might be termed long worms as the market moved sideways, such that the CSI 300 index, has averaged the same level over the past five years. 1. as the market moved sideways 时间状语。“随着市场的横盘整理”(股市语)2. such that...也可以引导“目的或结果状语从句”,跟...

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A little bit 的问题

You could have been a little bit tidy. You could have been a little bit tidier.1. a little, a bit, a little bit ,这三个词组都是名词性结构,副词用法。2. a little bit 中,little 是限定词,修饰 bit。所以,bit 本身不是副词,是具有名词特点的代词。3. 可以修饰形容词及其比较级。

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anything 问题

网友对 too...to...结构中,不定式表示否定意义,不清楚吗?正是如此,才用anything 代替something。注意书写:Hurry up, or we 'll be too late to get anything to eat.快点,否则我们迟到,就来不及买东西吃了。 

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