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有些of 介词短语作定语时,除了表示“所属关系”外,它跟被修饰的名词存在以下三种关系。网友仔细体会:1. of 介词短语表示“同位关系”:of 介词短语跟前面的名词存在同位关系,解释说明被修饰词的具体内容或名称等。The country has a population of more than 30 million. 这个国家有超过3000万的人口。The car went at a sp...

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Music therapy is often used where more conventional therapies are not as likely to be as accepted or tolerated.本句,Music therapy is often used 是主句,where 引导地点状语从句。这两个as,纯属多余,因为没有可比较的对应项。直接去掉即可:Music therapy is often used where more conventional therapies are...

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一.1. I have some work to do today.今天我有一些工作要做。如何翻译:今天我有某些工作要做。【答】网友翻译得很好。下面翻译可参考:今天我有些要做的工作。2. There’s some people I’d like you to meet. 我希望你和一些人见面。如何翻译:我希望你和某些人见面。【答】网友又错误地用 There's,改为 There're...

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Officially an experimental craft, testing new propulsion systems and imaging devices for spotting space debris, American scientists and military leaders have watched the sj-17 perform remarkable manoeuvres.1. 这个句子,难点在于红色部分,它仍然是“左偏直结构”,它是“试验飞行器”,指the sj-17。为了强调,...

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There should be where Tom lives.这是主语从句还是表语从句

There should be where Tom lives.这是个“歧义句”:1.  应该有汤姆住的地方。(There be 存在句)2.  那里该是汤姆住的地方。(主、系、表)where Tom lives = a place where Tom lives。where 为融合型关系副词。

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​too much和so much应该如何分析

I drank far too much last night. There was so much to talk about.我的疑问是:1. far too much 和so much 在句中分为作什么成分?【答】在第一句中,作drank 的宾语。在第二句中,作There be 存在句的真正主语。2. too, so,much 分别是什么词性?【答】much 是“不定代词”。由于它自身具备了“量概念”,所以可...

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captured doing espionage or propaganda,整体是过去分词短语,作 over 200 of them(两百多名间谍)的定语,而且是非限制性定语。在这个过去分词短语中,又包含着一个现在分词短语 doing espionage or propaganda,它作了captured 的时间状语。说明是“在进行间谍活动或宣传时(被捉)”。原句相当于:In the filthy jail i...

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pay on 和 pay for有什么区别

介词on 和 for 在跟动词spend 和pay 搭配时,意思几无差别。都是把“钱、费、税等花在某物上”。因此:pay...for = pay...onspend...on = spend...for以上两组短语中,前者使用更常见。

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It is responsible of / for sb to do sth的用法疑问

(1)It is responsible of sb to do sth(2)It is responsible for sb to do sth以上两个句式不存在。原因是:responble 表示“负责任的”,主语只能是“人”,不能是“事件”句(1)虽然可以转换为 Sb. is responsible to do sth. 但 responsible 后面不接 to do sth。也同样是错的。但是,sb is responsible for doing s...

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The birds were hunted to extinction? 中的不定式如何理解

介词 to 可以表示某种行为导致的结果,它的意思是 “达到......程度”,后面常跟抽象名词。“to extinction” 意思是“达到了灭绝的程度”,作结果状语。The birds were hunted to extinction.这些鸟被猎杀殆尽(赶尽杀绝)了。举个类似的例句:That year without rain drove many farmers to despair. 那年没有下雨,让许多...

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