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The definition of a disability is something that will hinder you from being able to do something.红色的something 指红色的成分(残疾的定义);蓝色的something 指日常生活中的任何事情。

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You are the man whom I am looking forward to seeing. (动名词的宾语)This is the book that I am interested in reading.(动名词的宾语)The book that I've spent a month reading is very interesting.(现在分词的宾语)Arabic is a language that I found it is difficult to learn.(不定式的宾语)关...

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by saying that 可以省略that吗?

They tried to buy time by saying that it would be ready next week.Thye could not believe that the official was so easily bought.叙述问题要明确。你说的省略应该是 that 吧。that 引导宾语从句省略是常态,省略与否对句意不会产生什么特别的作用。

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to 还是 for

为了理解,换成 be 动词吧。不是句子哪有时态?以下两个说法都对,意思不同:be good to me:对我很友好,友善。be good for me:对我有益处,好处。例如:That old lady is good to me.  那位老太太对我很友善。Doing morning exercises is good for me.  做早操对我有益处。 

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口语为了简练,这是因为省略了主句的缘故,现在添上主句。It would have been better (会是多好)if only you had told me that some time age.省略主句还是保留主句,都表示与过去情况不符或相反的虚拟语气。

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richer association是什么意思

Endure has richer associations when it becomes transitive; in this case, it suggests the dauntless struggle for existence.句子大意是:当变成及物动词时,endure(忍耐)有更加丰富的联想意义(引申义);在此情况下,它表示“为了生存而不屈不挠的斗争”。

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当suggest 不表示“建议”,而是“说明,显示,暗示”之意时,其宾语从句则不用虚拟语气。His gesture suggested that he didn’t agree with me. 他的姿势暗示出他不同意你的意见。我们把suggest 的两个用法放在一个句子中,请比较并记住:Her pale face suggested that she was seriously ill, and her parents suggested that...

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technologically illiterate用法分析与同义表达

▲这是个比较有意思的问题。我估计,你大概是受了汉语的影响才有这种感觉的。这让我想起了一个句子:“这种塑料袋是环保的。”翻译成英文是:This plastic bag is environmentally friendly.有些网友不明白,为什么这样翻译?我们知道,汉语的特点是形象语言,英语的特点是逻辑语言。体现在This plastic bag is environmentall...

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Computer-education advocates forsake this optimistic notion for a pessimism that betrays their otherwise cheery outlook.【翻译】计算机教育倡导者们抛弃了这一乐观的看法,取而代之的是与他们乐观外表相悖的悲观论调。【分析】Computer-education advocates (主语)forsake(谓语) this optimistic notion (宾语...

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Well goes the saying 是个完整的句子吗?

Well goes the saying 是完整的。这是一个完全倒装句。主语:the saying;谓语:goes;well是副词作状语,引出倒装。正常语序为:The saying goes well.

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