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rectituded 在句中作adj

But the government said it was a graduation ceremony for newly recruited soldiers. recruit 是及物动词,意思是“招聘;招募”。这里,recruited 是过去分词作定语,修饰 soldiers,表示被动关系,同时带有自己的副词状语 newly。newly recruited soldiers:新招募的士兵。【翻译】但政府表示,这是为新招募的士兵...

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网友写句子的时候,要注意大小写。你给的两个句子,判断如下:I like the park near where I live.(正确)This is the place where before I came, he had been here. (错误)改正如下:This is the place where he had been before I came.(定语从句)

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it 用法疑问(是否多余)

这个句子非常有意思。whose 引导定语从句,it 要不要均可,意思不变。但它们是两个截然不同的结构。分析如下:1. Charles C. Boycott was an English land agent whose difficult duty it was to collect high rents from Irish farmers.2. Charles C. Boycott was an English land agent whose difficult duty was to coll...

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两个that …从句是同位语从句还是定语从句

The National Consumer Council gave warning that the admissions would dent consumer confidence in leading high street names and that people would become skeptical of their claims.很明显是两个“同位语从句”。理由是:1. 从句结构完整,语义完整。最关键的是 that 只起引导作用,不作从句的任何成分!这是区别定...

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I must be a person whose calmness is a beautifully hazy mixture, and a steady question.【翻译】我一定是这样一个人:冷静中掺杂着完全的迟疑困惑,有着一个永远质疑的心态。(1)这个句子是对 “我” 的性格类型下定义。(2)翻译时,把定语从句作为定义的内容,之前加冒号。(3)mixture 是“混合体”,混合的两种性格是...

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for the reason that 可以引导原因状语从句吗

可以。不过,不如 because 简练。例如:We were proud of ourselves for the reason that we were welcomed and approved of.我们骄傲,因为我们受到了欢迎和认可。He cannot be charged with murder for the reason that he was not in town when the crime was committed. 他不能为这次谋杀负责,因为案发时他不在城...

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因为,不定式属于非谓语,自身不能用作谓语动词,需要跟助动词、情态动词合用才能构成谓语部分。包括be + adj. + to do 也是如此。例如:He will/may come.He is able to come.He is likely to come.

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副词 mathematically,在本句的作用是“评注性状语”,修饰全句。mathematically 的意思是:“在数学上;从数学方面讲”。位置可以很灵活,例如:The problem is mathematically a strong non-linear problem.Mathematically, the problem is a strong non-linear problem.The problem is a strong non-linear problem mathemat...

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field of endeavor是“从事的领域”的意思吗?

One must turn to the ancient world to recognize that the greatest contributions in any field of endeavor have come through discovery rather than invention or advancement.in any field of endeavor : “在任何需要努力的领域中”,作定语修饰 contributions。全文意思:一个人必须求助于古代世界,才能认识...

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为了分析,我把句子简化一下:Changes in the economy make gainful employment difficult to obtain.【翻译】经济的变化使有报酬的工作很难获得。Changes in the economy (主语)make (谓语动词)gainful employment (宾语)difficult to obtain.(宾补)我们把形容词短语(difficult to obtain)看作一个整体,在句中...

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