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it's possible there are aliens in the universe这种结构,主语从句省略 that 是允许的。又如:It is possible (that) there's an explanation for all this 也许,对于所有这一切,会有一种解释。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》

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网友对这两个句子熟悉不?结构是不是一样?I have a dictionary to refer to occasionally.我有一本词典,偶尔查阅一下。I have some work to do now. 我现在有工作要做。

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those of的用法

在those of ...中,those 可以是“指示代词”,也可以是“替代词”,举例如下:those 为指示代词:Now is the time for those of us in Washington to live up to our responsibilities. 现在轮到我们这些在华盛顿的人担当责任的时候了!For those of us living in China, there's nothing abstract about it. 对于我们这些...

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However exciting this may sound这句话是什么结构?

However exciting this may sound, Walker is quick to remind the optimistic observer we still have zero evidence that life actually exists on any of these far-off planets.这是 However 引导的让步状语从句。意为:不管这听起来多么令人兴奋。 在英语中,wh-word + ever 引导让步从句很常见。wh-word+ever 这...

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as well founded的理解

On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that while he was a good observer, he had nopower of reasoning.谓语动词的结构是:accept + 宾语 as + 过去分词。其中,as well founded 是宾语补足语。as 看作介词即可,不需要过多分析。well founded 是过去分词作 as...

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The team had won no games and it lost heart.英语用 no 否定宾语,比否定动词更简练,翻译时可以根据汉语习惯,把否定移到动词上。如本句:该球队一场比赛也没赢 = 该球队没赢一场比赛。英语也可以把否定not 放在动词上,那要麻烦一些,不如前者简练:The team had not won any games and it lost heart. 又如...

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务必注意大小写和标点!I believe anything he says. (anything 表示“可能说的任何话”)I believe everything he says. (eveything 表示“已经说过的一切话”) 

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face to south与face south哪个对

【说明】我查阅了《张道真现代英语用法词典》face 条目,张老师的两个例句里面都有。因此,以下说法都正确:face south, face the south, face to the south。请采纳张老师的解答!但是,我认为,指方向时可以加介词to,表示其他意思时,不加to。例如:face (to) the southface the challengeface the difficultiesface the...

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介词后的从句(between who you tou are and who you can be)

From now on, you’ll be on a journey between who you think you  are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to continue the journey in the ocean of the books.我的疑问是:一般我看到的句子如果是在介词后接宾语从句的话,都是介词是谓语的一部分,可是这个句子明显是在句子中充当状语 between who...

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Well goes the saying 是个完整的句子吗?

Well goes the saying 是完整的。这是一个完全倒装句。主语:the saying;谓语:goes;well是副词作状语,引出倒装。正常语序为:The saying goes well.

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