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As a child和主句主语协调一致吗

此表达没有问题。这里as 不表示“身份”,而是表示“时间”。As a child = When he was a child,把它放回原句即可。Albert Einstein was born in 1879.When he was a child,few people guessed that he was going to be a famous scientist whose theories would change the world. 判断方法:介词as 既可以...

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through 的词性及在句子里的成分

【成分分析】hurried (及物动词)me (宾语)through(副词,宾补) to a small room(介词短语,to 表示方向,接目的地)副词作宾补也比较常见。例如:Please keep the dog out.I found all the people in.We came to a river and I tried to get the passengers across.

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动词能否与一段时间连用,不在于它属于“动态” 还是“静态”,而是在于所表示的动作能否“延续”。终止性动词与一段时间连用,必然自相矛盾,除非它表达另外的含义。

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They can scarcely conceive of trickery, chicanery, or dissimulation in anyone. 原句好好的,为什么要改呢?你的句子跟这句的结构没有什么区别。I often think of Tom, John, Jack and Mary.如果有区别,就是肯定和否定的区别,and 改为 or。

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关于句中that指代以及vice versa用法的疑问

Published research, patents, people, contracts, supply chains and technical standards all link Y's technology to that which underpins all the other advanced economies - and vice versa.1. that 是“指示代词”作先行词,后面的 which 引导定语从句。2. link...to...,“将......和......联系起来”。3. 先行词...

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网友注意:词组不是句子,开头不要大写,不用句号。你写的词组应为:definition of taken care of you in the Idioms Dictionary词组意思: 成语词典中对taken care of you 的定义关系分析:1. of taken care of you 作 definition 的定语。definition 与taken care of you 是动宾关系。相当于:define...

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There are still living...是什么句式

There are still living a few very old woman. There 开头引出“完全倒装句”。正常语序是:A few very old woman are still living. (主系表结构)

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on 用于不同的搭配,不同的语境,会产生不同的意思。以下各句的意思,应为:Why are you on me about everything?你为何什么事都跟我过不去/对我指手画脚/对我大喊大叫?Why is everybody on me?为什么大家都盯着我/依靠我?Do you have to be on all the time?你要一直开着/在线吗?如果“吃饭”作主语,那就是“我请客”。例...

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请教刘老师3个问题:1、下题究竟要过去时还是完成时?   -- Your name again? I'm sorry I _________(not catch) it.   -- Will Smith.【答】用一般过去时。I'm sorry I didn’t catch it. 这是我的首选。因为不能完全否定现在完成时,那样,会引起很多争论。2、Great changes have taken place...

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Layout for和layout of 区别是什么

在翻译上看不出区别,只是在修饰关系上有:Please fax me the layout for the new catalog. (目的)Please fax me the layout of the new catalog. (所属)

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