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Ok, all of us second the motion. 好,我们大伙都同意(支持)此项议案。《21世纪大辞典》The majority seconded the view. 大多数人支持该观点。《21世纪大辞典》Your application must be proposed and seconded by current members.你的申请必须由现任成员推荐并得到他们的支持。《柯林斯词典》The Prime Min...

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our planet's being warming up为什么要加being

加being 是错误的,应去掉。这个问题之前已解答过:http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-8564.html

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not until翻译的理解


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as...as possible

这句话是漏掉了as,这两个as都不可以省略。应为:Set up a perimeter as wide as possible on those 3 roads.

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Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace.【翻译】石头是不腐败的,因此远古年代的工具至今尚存,即使制造这些工具的人的骨头已经毫无痕迹地消失了。【分析】总体看,long ago 是个副词短语,它与three years ago...

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翻译:He is taking the Rights of Man with him to Swed

He is taking the Rights of Man with him to Sweden.【翻译】他将要把《人权》这本书随身携带到瑞典去。【分析】句子使用进行时表示将来。The Rights of Man:书名。成分划分:He(主语) is taking (谓语)the Rights of Man (宾语)with him to Sweden(状语). 

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that delayed the shipment是何成分

Doubtlessly, there must have been some reason that delayed the shipment. 这个句子有误。理由是:that是关系代词指代reason,that在定语从句中作主语。也就是说,“是原因延误了装运”——这属于逻辑错误,不是语法错误。“原因”本身不可能延误装运,这个原因应该是具体的事件,如“天气恶劣,人力不足”等。应改为:Doubtless...

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what we are还是who we are

1. 该题设计不严谨,漏掉了us,即:Environment makes us _____ we are. 因为make在这里的意思是“使...成为...”,应该接复合宾语结构。make 表示“制造”;“自身成为” 之意时,才跟单宾语或表语。例如:He made a cake. (主动宾)Tom finally made a good boy.(主系表)没有us,以下两个句子都讲不通:Envir...

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a quite short time有错吗(涉及不定冠词与quite连用时的位置)

我的看法,跟这几位有所不同。在葛传槼先生的《英语惯用法词典》(2012年版)中,对这个问题有专门的描述:a(或an)可以用在quite和rather的前面,也可以用在它们的后面。例如:a quite big dog,  quite a big dog a rather big dog,  rather a big dog 在口语里,quite a(或an)... 和 rather a(或...

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表面看,work at the shop(在这家商店里上班)似乎合乎情理,其实,这是汉语的思维习惯。英语不这样说,而应该说:“work for + 公司/单位”,表示“受雇于某公司/某单位”。《柯林斯词典》描述for 的其中一个用法:If you work or do a job for someone, you are employed by them. 受雇于…I knew he worked for a secur...

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