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I lived with my grandma in the countryside when I was three years old.句子中的when可以换成while吗?老师可以帮我分析一下吗?【答】不可以。表示“时间”的连词 when, 用法较多,它包含 while 的用法。或者说,while 只是 when 其中的用法之一。关于 while,网友只需记住这一条就可以了:while 指一个动作或状态持...

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名人名言的理解A belief is not true because it is useful.

A belief is not true because it is useful.【翻译】人的信仰不是因为有使用价值才是正确的。这是典型的“否定转移”: not 否定 because 从句。形式上否定主句,实则否定状语从句。又如:She didn’t take an umbrella because it was raining. 她不是因为下雨才带雨伞的。(如果按字面翻译,“因为下雨,所以她没带雨伞。” —...

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MPs are haring off in every direction.1. MPs = Members of Parliament (议员们)2. hare off:名词 hare 是“野兔”。用作动词, hare off 暗示比兔子跑得都快。比喻“匆匆离去;溜之大吉”。【翻译】议员们正在四散奔逃。

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由于句中含有太多的 if,所以,划线部分省略了另外一个 if,而产生倒装:you won't lose any sleep should the penny get pinched out of existence.详细解答请参考:http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-41448.html

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The boy is giving his explanation for why he arrived late to school.介词后面不能接 that 从句,但接 wh-word 引导的从句很正常(包括 why 从句)。不过,介词短语不是宾语不足语。看来网友对宾语补足语的概念不清楚。这个介词短语,可以有两种划分:1. 作 explanation 的定语。2. 作目的状语。关于宾语补足语的界定问...

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at the top of,on the top of,on top of三者区别是什么?

at the top of, on the top of, on top of要想区别,必须从具体意义和抽象意义两个方面。不能混在一起,否则很难搞清楚。 一、具体意义:在某东西的顶部位置,区别看括号。1. at the top of the mountain (在山顶附近,在山顶周围。at 意味着“在附近”)2. on the top of the mountain (在山顶的最顶端。on 意味着“在...

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a lot,very much表示“非常”时,有什么区别 如:You like tea a...

very much 多用于“喜爱、喜欢、想要、感激、不愿、厌恶、痛恨” 之类的动词。a lot 表程度,多用于其他情况。有时可以混用,没有本质的区别。

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请问 a few more 和 a few 区别。谢谢

怎么能一样呢?He can only hold out a few more weeks.He can only hold out a few weeks.他只能再坚持几个星期。他只能坚持几个星期。

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call in on与call on的区别

A mother buyer wanted Chen Xiao to call in on her young daughter disguised as a panda, and encourage her to study harder, after becoming concerned by her failure of an exam.一名母亲买下陈潇的时间,要她扮成熊猫打电话安慰考试失利的女儿。▲这是2009年网传的“漂亮女孩淘宝卖人生”上的一个句子。说的是来自北京...

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如何理解would not have competed against

The district trimmed the schedules after students and parents opposed its plan to replace the sports teams with an intramural program, in which students would not have competed against other schools.请问:如何理解 would not have competed against?谢谢!【翻译】1. 在学生和家长反对用校内体育项目取代体...

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