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It is because I know how sweet and happy and pure the home of honest poverty is, how free it is from perplexing care, from social envy and emulations, how loving and how united its members may be in the common interest of supporting the family, that I sympathize with the rich man's boy and congr...

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分析:He saw an antelope looking sad.

He saw an antelope looking sad.(宾语补足语)他看到一只羚羊看起来似乎很悲伤的样子。He saw an antelope that looked sad.(定语)他看见了一只看起来似乎很悲伤的羚羊。

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As is true of any developed society, in America a complex set of cultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underlies all social interrelationships1. as 之后不可以加it,因为 is 的主语就是as。此外,这是正常语序,不是倒装结构。2. 按传统语法分析,as 叫做关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,它指代后面整...

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carry balanced on one's head 是什么意思

如果网友的句子没有抄写错误的话,那么,过去分词短语 balanced on her head 作方式状语。意为“用头平衡地顶着送牛奶”。其实,balanced 是形容词了,具有副词意义。

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The problem is that women generally do not think of their looks in the same way that men do.【翻译】问题是,女性一般不像男性那样看待自己的容貌。含义是:男性不太在意外貌。

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​系动词后面可以都可以接to do吗

是的,有些可以。但在时间上有先后之分。例如:1. 一般式:It seems/appears to rain this afternoon.一般式往往表示其动作在谓语动词之后发生。例句说明,“今天下午看起来要下雨。” rain应在seem之后发生。2. 进行式:It seems/appears to be raining outside.进行式往往表示不定式的动作与谓语动词同...

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网友判句需要进一步提高。本句的主要成分见红色部分,其余都是辅助成分:Rival claims(主语:要求) to Macedonian territory caused (谓语动词:引起)conflict (宾语:冲突)in the Balkans.即:要求引起了冲突。1. Rival:“对手的”,形容词作claims 的定语。2. to Macedonian territory:“对马其...

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influence 是个可变名词。也就是说,它既有抽象意义,也有具体意义。我们可以说:have much influence on (抽象意义。不可数名词加much 修饰,但不能加a)我们也可以说:have a great influence on (具体意义。抽象名词之前,有形容词great 修饰,使它变得具体化、形象化,可以加冠词a。网友的问题加a ,就是这个道理)

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I hate it when...it能否去掉

Expert:您仔细看看,您的下列解答正确吗?解答:不能去掉it,it为形式宾语,因为动词 hate 后习惯上不接 that/when/if 从句作宾语,需要先加上it形式宾语,在接从句内容。I hate that people ask me for money.(错误)I hate it that people ask me for money.(正确)请问Expert:1. it 是形式宾语吗?那么,...

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网友的质疑有道理。这句话 He said to his friend that his alma mater was very beautiful and had many lakes. 可以改为:He said to his friend that his alma mater is very beautiful and has many lakes.有网友问:He asked me which I like best. 这个句子对吗?宾语从句一个指过去喜欢,一个指现在喜欢,句子意思有...

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