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Science has long had an uneasy relationship with other aspects of culture. Think of Galileo’s 17th century trial for his rebelling belief before the Catholic Church or poet William Blake’s harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of Isaac Newton. The schism between science and the humanities...

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The poor old man was so ill that he died sometime last month.【翻译】这位可怜的老人病得很重,(结果)在上个月的某个时候去世了。【分析】这是一个含有结果状语从句的复合句。The poor old man was so ill 为主句。that he died sometime last month为结果状语从句。

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which和what都可以作定语,而且很常见。区别在于“有范围”和“无范围”。例如:1. The question is which book we shall read first.  问题是,我们先读哪本书。2. What book did you read when you were young ? 你年轻时候爱读什么书?句1,书已限定范围(两本或两本以上),包括名称。句2,书的内容和名称没有范围限制...

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get sb over to the house

【答】over是副词(ADV),意为“去,到(某处)”;有时,暗指道路有障碍或者路途遥远。《柯林斯词典》的解释是:If you go over to a place, you go to that place.I got out the car and drove over to Dervaig. 我把车开出来,驶向德韦格。I thought you might have invited her over. 我以为你可能已经邀请她过来了。▲ov...

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“直到某件东西失去了,我们才会彻底认识到它的价值。”这句话陈述客观事实,建议使用一般现在时,不宜使用过去时。此外,在人称上,建议使用we,具有普遍性,不用 I。We will not realize the value of something until it is lost.

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If everyone has a car and drives____they want to go, there will be traffic problems on the road.【答】此题应填anywhere,不能填表示让步的wherever。原因是:本句不需要wherever引导的让步从句,而是谓语动词drives需要一个地点状语(也可以由从句充当的地点状语)。省去无关的成分后,看看缺少什么:If everyone dr...

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a number of, the number of, the nubmers of的用法

我用一句话概括这三个词组的含义:Tom has a number of books, but he doesn’t exactly know the number of his books. Because he is poor at maths, he can’t add up the numbers of his books and his pens.【翻译】汤姆有许多书,但他不能确切地知道书的数量。由于他数学不好,所以他无法把书和钢笔的数目加起来。请你...

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who is doing what是什么用法

I don't know who's doing what.【答】这个句子是可以说的。当一个单句中有两个疑问词,比方说:我怎么会知道现在谁在做什么。这时,就可以说你这个句子:I don't know who's doing what.【语法分析】在宾语从句中,疑问代词who 是主语,is doing 是谓语动词,疑问代词what 是宾语。这时,当其中一个疑问代...

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分析:from who knew what long-dead past...

The towering structure swayed as a hundred glass spheres burst apart, pearly-white figures unfurled into the air and floated there, their voices echoing from who knew what long-dead past amid the torrent of crashing glass and splintered wood now raining down upon the floor. 这个句子非常复杂,我...

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请教老师 A of B +定从,定从修饰A还是B

He is one of the students who have passed the exam.【答】一要看结构,二要看句意。上句:one 表示其中之一,没有定冠词,说明不是特指。那么,the students 就是先行词。从结构看,在who have passed 中,have passed 说明who 指复数名词,所以修饰the students,而不是one。请根据上述方法,比较以下两句:1. Tom is o...

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