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It was in New Zealand ____ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.【答】这个句子填where的话,强调句不允许,定语从句讲不通。因此,填that万无一失!如果被强调的是地点副词,其余部分除了用that引导外,偶见用where引导。如果被强调的是时间副词,其余部分除了用that引导外,偶见用when引导。如果被强调的地点或时间是介词短...

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with prizes to the winner and money raised going to the charity——这是两种不同结构的、并列的with 复合结构,为避免重复,在money 之前的with 被省略。分别为:1. with prizes to the winner:“with + 宾语 + 介词短语”2. with raised money going to the charity:“with + 宾语 + 现在分词短语”为了理解方便,不要跟现...

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句子1)Because/Since/ As/ Seeing that he lost his ticket, he isn't allowed to enter the room.句子2)Losing his ticket, he isn't allowed to enter the room.【答】首先,你这两句话有几处错误,特纠正如下:1. Because he had lost his ticket, he was not allowed to enter the room.2. Having lost his t...

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请教一个句子中get 的用法

He has not been able to get his own car into his garage even once.【翻译】他甚至一次都未能把自己的车开进自己的车库过。【句型】get + 宾语 + into + 地点:使......移动到To get something or someone into a place or position means to cause them to move there. We can't get any more people into the...

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have expectation on sth.介词为什么用on不用in

These people might have a higher expectation on their developments in urban areas.【翻译】这些人可能对城区的发展有更高的期望/期待。【分析】这个句子有几处错误:area是可数名词,根据语义应该为复数areas;expectation虽然可以用作不可数名词,但之前有了形容词higher,使其意具体化,所以应该加不定冠词:a highe...

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I simply cannot understand what Wells thinks the greatness of a novel has to do with the length of the time he has spent reading it.【翻译】我只是不明白,威尔斯认为的小说的伟大之处与他阅读小说的时间长短有什么关系。【结构分析】只分析宾语从句部分:what Wells thinks the greatness of a novel has to do w...

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我基本同意 Expert 的解答。不过,在【4】中,掺杂着【1】、【2】的内容,这属于交叉归纳。造成不该有的解答纰漏。例如:【4】以-able和-ible后缀结尾的形容词:在意义上有强烈的谓语色彩和被动意义时,可置于前有最高级形容词或only等词的名词之后。——不太明白红色的意思。I know the actor suitable&...

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have/make/let sb do sth的否定式

英语否定,很少否定作宾补的不定式的。这3 个动词,只有let 可以,也就是说,两种情况都可以。例如:Don't let yourself despair; this will only make matters worse. 不要想不开,这样只能使情况变得更糟。Don't let credit tempt you to buy something you can't afford. 不要因为可以赊购,就买...

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定语从句有个I believe如何理解

I'll make a rash statement that I believe is true.【翻译】我要鲁莽地说一句,我认为那是对的。【分析】这个句子没错。不过,这个句子确实有点复杂。其复杂不在于I believe,而是在于:that I believe is true 实际上是一个同位语从句,它是statement 的同位语,说明statement 的具体内容(statement 表示“一句话”,...

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关于定语从句的省略问题(That is almost both cars paid for)

为了解答方便直观,我把网友的句子重新复制一次:Oh my god, it's 2000 dollars. That is almost both cars (that are) paid for!如题,paid for 可否理解为定语后置?that is almost both cars (that are) paid for!但是这句话的意思是:这2000元几乎能付清两辆车了。我还觉得可以理解为 that is almost both car...

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