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get through 和 go through 区别是什么

get through 和 go through 的意义特别多。都有表示具体意义或抽象意义的用法,也有重叠的用法。例如,表示“度过某段不愉快的时间”,这两个词组可以换用。It is hard to see how people will get/go through the winter.难以想象人们将怎样熬过这个冬天。We couldn't get/go through a day without arguing. 我们...

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The company began to thrive in 2008 when governments provided loans for customers and producers. 【翻译1】在2008年,当政府为客户和生产商提供贷款时,该公司开始蓬勃发展。【翻译2】该公司在2008年开始蓬勃发展,当时政府为客户和生产商提供贷款。该句可以有两种分析,从翻译即可看出:1. in 2008 和 when 从...

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Today's battery breakthroughs come as the world looks to expand modern energy access to the billion or so people without it, while also cutting back on fuels that warm the planet.【翻译】今天,电池技术的突破实现了,由于/随着在全世界都在寻求将现代能源的使用范围扩大到10亿没有能源的人,与此同时也在...

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We can be quiet whenever we want.划线部分是“时间状语从句”,意为“每当我们想的时候”。既不是“一...就...”,也不是让步的“无论...”。

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We all had such fun at the seaside.“前位限定词” such,跟冠词 a 连用时,需放在之前。如果不跟冠词连用呢?如果修饰的名词是不可数呢?学英语不能教条。fun 是不可数名词,前面能加 a 吗?such a booksuch a sentencesuch weathersuch funsuch information前两个为什么加 a,后三个为何不加 a?多动脑子。We 和 all 是同...

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both men = both of the men (the men 一共是两个人),前者简练。five days later 指when 从句中 rescued 发生的时间;而 when 从句指 were sorry 的时间。两个时间修饰的谓语动词不同。 

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怎么分析what is left of their business 语法成分和含义呢?

They are fighting to save what is left of their business.划线部分为名词性从句,作 save 的宾语。of their business 作 what 的定语,被谓语动词 is left 分隔。又如:His eyes stare at what is left of the brothers' dinner on the table.(他的眼睛注视着兄弟俩饭桌上的残羹剩饭)。这是美国著名作家马克·吐温...

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请教老师subject to的理解

To call theatre 'postdramatic' involves subjecting the traditional relationship of theatre to drama to deconstruction and takes account of the numerous ways in which this relationship has been refigured in contemporary practice since the 1970s.1.  本句宾语的主要结构是:subjecting...to d...

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时间状语从句(When I was two)后的现在分词作什么成分

网友zghnyz0746 这个问题提得好!这是一个貌似简单、实为复杂的问题。从语言研究的角度看,我觉得很有讨论的必要。When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side.从这个句子结构上判断,crying all night 有可能出现3种不同的成分划分。1. 作定语,修饰baby。2. 作状语,修饰系表结构...

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