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the way引导的定语从句存疑


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复杂句中代词 it 的指代判断

It seems, nowadays, a matter of universal desire that poverty should be abolished. We should be quite willing to abolish luxury, but to abolish honest, industrious self-denying poverty would be to destroy the soil upon which mankind produces the virtues which enable our race to reach a still higher...

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我认为,问句使用Can 包括May 开头,表示请求,一点问题都没有:Can I get some icy water for you now, madam?我们不能狭隘地按照中国人自己的思维理解问题:好像只有为自己办事,才可以请求对方允许。在英美人看来,为对方做某事,同样可以请求对方允许。例如:Can I get a drink for you? Can I help you clean the hous...

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as do sb中do的省略与保留

网友的第2 句多了一个as,删去。第1句,原翻译没有把tend to 翻译出来,我重译如下:1. But those same researchers also tend to be more cautious about the future than many pundits.【翻译】但是,这些研究人员对未来的看法,比许多高谈阔论的专家也往往更加谨慎。2. Americans voluntarily donate as much blood per...

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I think there seem to be fewer people around to whom I ought to defer. 【翻译】我觉得,身边我要屈从的人似乎更少了。(说明“我”越来越牛了)defer to sb. 遵从某人;服从某人;屈从某人本句的难点是,含有一个定语从句,介词被前置于关系代词之前。在定语从句中,可以把短语动词(“动词 + 介词”)中的介词,提到...

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swept up 是什么意思(是形容词吗)

He went there for a visit but got so swept up there for the rest of his life.【翻译】他原本去那里拜访,但却非常眷恋于彼,在那儿度过了余生。swept up 是形容词用法,从它跟系动词get 连用和被so 修饰,即可判断出来。动词sweep up 表示“使...卷入,使...融入”,本句的swept up 就是根据这个意思延伸而来。

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on whatever grounds this recognition is based的结构

Related to this is the sense each friend gives the other of being a special individual, on whatever grounds this recognition is based.on whatever grounds this recognition is based 等于:whatever grounds this recognition is based onbe based on:依据;基于whatever grounds:无论什么样的理由whateve...

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once a year 的语法分析

once 是时间副词,表频度。a year 是名词词组,等于every year,但在这里是副词用法,修饰once。

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arrive 永远是“不及物动词”,不可能直接跟宾语,如果跟宾语,需要加介词in 或 at(尤其表示抽象意义)。请网友核查原文,是不是漏掉了at?

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sewerage 的翻译与理解

显然,网友句子中的sewerage 用作“比喻”。sewerage 原本指下水道里的“污水”,在本句比喻为:污言秽语。结合 pour forth (倾泻而出)的语义,整个句子翻译如下:Everyone was shocked by the sewerage he poured forth in his address.【翻译】他在演说中信口而出的污言秽语,让每个人都感到震惊。

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