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引导表语从句用who, whom等相关问题

He’s  what is known as a “bellyacher” —he’s always complaining about something. 网友首先要知道这个词的意思,bellyacher:无病呻吟的人;牢骚包。这说明,He is 后面接的成分,需要一个词语表示“什么样的人”,而不是“此人是谁”。其次,who 带有疑问,这里不需要疑问概念,同样,宾格whom 也不行。what 是“...

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省略了whether,后面是or,构成让步从句:whether...or...,无论......还是......be he a secetary or CEO,    以下句子都可以说:whether he be a secetary or CEOwhether he may be a secetary or CEOwhether he is a secetary or CEO

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The drugs in question appeared to be effective  only when administered during or shortly after a traumatic event. How then could we make, and make on the spot, the prospective judgment that a particular event is sufficiently terrible.【简析】1. 两个make 的宾语都是the prospective judgment,而tha...

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one from the other用法疑问

1. 从语义看,三个 V-ing 都是conventional school practices(传统的教育实践)的同位成分——分别解释、说明传统教育的做法。能作同位语成分的,是名词性短语。动名词才具有名词特性,现在分词则没有。因此,三个 V-ing 都是“动名词”。2. insisting that subjects (should) be fragmented one from the other:主张学科之...

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bring 的基本意思是 “将人或物带至讲话人或听话人所在之处”。也就是说,说话人或听话人,很可能是一个韩国人或日本人(也可能是一位中国人,但说话时他在韩国或日本),用bring 就正确。不考虑其他语境,本句用take 也没错。只是意思不同。bring 的汉语意思可以翻译为:携来,引来,带来,拿来,取来。总之,有个“来”字。

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going on/for 相对going to区别是什么?

1. go on a trip2. go for a swim3. go to the lake前两个 go 表示“从事某种活动”:(1)on 跟某些动词连用,引出所进行的活动,特别在旅行方面。意为“处于...情况中,从事…中” 。We use on to introduce an activity that someone is doing, particularly travelling. 例如:go on a tripgo on a holidaygo on a tourgo on...

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网友先弄清楚一个问题:“国庆70周年大阅兵” 发生在过去,还是说话时?这是一个习惯性动作,还是过去的一次性动作? 显然,本句在回忆当时的情况:要是我当时在现场该多好啊。与过去情况不符的虚拟语气,用过去完成时:had been。如果用 were,那说明:说话时阅兵正在举行中。

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1.  occasion  指 “ 时刻;时候;时节;场合” 意义时,定语从句原则用 when 引导。(An occasion is a time when something happens, or a case of it happening.)例句:It was the first occasion when they had both found it possible to keep a rendezvous. 他们两人都能赴约,这还是头一遭。来自柯林斯...

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1. He was very intellligent, but he _______ requirement for a manager.A. fell short of B.ran short of C. ran out of D. froze out of【说明】A 和 B 都有“缺乏” 之意,但 A 多了一层含义“达不到(标准要求)”。2. The Maya civilization reached its period of greatest development about AD 250 and continued to...

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This may not always sound like economics but neuro-economists start with the insight— borrowed from the economist Friedrich Hayek—that resources are scarce within the brain and must be allocated to competing uses.首先明确, competing 是动名词作 uses 的定语,表示“目的”。等于:uses for competing...

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