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fight on的意思

Instantly a three-year-old girl was thrust into the shelter. He hastily fought the door latch on again, then stared at the frightened little newcomer in anger, hating her for simply being there in his wife's place and knowing he could not turn her out.【翻译】一个三岁的女孩立刻被推进庇护所。他急...

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are aimed的理解

我们看be aimed at 的来历和意思。知道它是怎么来的,比死记硬背效果要好。动词aim 表示“对准目标;指向目标”,at 专门用来表示“目标”。例如:look at the blackboard(黑板就是看的“目标”)。看这句话:The hunter aimed his gun at the lion. 猎人把枪对准了狮子。→变成被动语态:His gun was aimed at the lion. 他的枪...

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this far做状语

But you've endured my dust this far; I'll put up with yours the rest of the way. 是的,this far 作时间状语。this far = so far(迄今为止)。英语中,so, this, that 都可以用作程度副词,表示“那么;如此”。例如:Your son is so/that/this naughty. 你儿子是如此的淘气。

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The punishment of hungry,and that he is...(《老人与海》)

The punishment of hunger, and that he is against something that he does not understand, is everything. 【翻译】饥饿的折磨,还要应付他不了解的东西,这才是一切中的一切。1. and 前的逗号,仅表示停顿。不用也可。2. that he is against something that he does not understand是个主语从句,跟前面的词组The...

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not purging 是动名词,不是现在分词,它跟binge-eating 并列,作句子主语,后面谓语动词是被动语态:was predicted...

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一、Chinese drama 没错。drama 可以是可数名词,指具体的一部戏剧,也可以不可数。不可数的时候,表示戏剧的总称、与戏剧有关的一切事宜(道具、服装、剧场等等),不可数名词无复数形式。drama : N-UNCOUNT (不可数)You use drama to refer to plays in general or to work that is connected with plays and the thea...

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The retirement age, which is now at 62, and re-employment age, 67, are set to be raised, though the exact timing of the changes and by how much have yet to be determined, the country’s Minister of Manpower Josephine Teo said in parliament on Tuesday. 问题一:这里解析把which is now at 62认为是th...

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网友检查一下,是不是抄错了句子?是不是这样:He is in the pursuit of selling his products by attracting customers.【翻译】他在追求通过吸引顾客来推销他的产品。in the pursuit of: 追求

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结构分析:I Just came back last Sunday.

I just came back last Sunday.He failed in the exam.网友注意:以上两句,准确的结构分析和句子成分术语,应该这样表述:1. I (主语)just came back last Sunday(谓语).在本句中,谓语部分是由动词加状语构成。谓语动词是came,状语有3个,分别是:时间状语:just 【说明】just 也是一种“时间副词”,作时间...

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方位词on the left of词组语义有歧义

The cooker is on the left of the room.根据常识判断,炊具在房间的里面,不可能在房间的外面。因此,句子意思是:炊具在房间(里面)的左边。这是对于有空间的事物所作的判断。如果是“一棵树”,“一块石头” 这些没有空间的东西,on the left of the tree/stone,肯定是在外部的左边。如:The stone is on the left of the...

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