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一个复杂长中的三个疑问(as...as,where,by which)

If we give up the idea that higher levels are literally constructed out of lower level elements, as I think we must, then it becomes much more natural to consider even such abstract systems of representation as transformational structure (where each utterance is represented by the seq...

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(1) Dragon dance 前要加 the 吗?——是的,应加the。“舞龙”是中华民族的一种民俗活动,是特定的,其他民族没有的。即便不是特指,在可数的单数名词dance之前,也要加冠词。(2) had shown 还是 has shown?——用过去完成时。定语从句的谓语动词应早于主句的谓语动词:was started by the Chinese who had shown gre...

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英语复杂句子的分析(bear in mind that...等)

你这个问题可能因为时间久了,被新的问题所覆盖,所以今天才看到。It is more, it is better for us to bear in mind we should learn something in our hearts, we should have something about the awareness about how to pay more respect to our enviorment not to talk about something orally but to bear something...

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在构词法中,post 可以用作前缀post-,意为“在......之后;以后的”,构成其他词类。它本身并不是介词。例如:postwar  adj. 战后的postreading  n. 读后post-graduate n. 研究生post-mortem  n. 事后检讨post-secondary education  n. 大专教育post-doctoral    adj. 博士后post hoc&nb...

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As amazing as you already are, you can be even more so.【答】这个句子不缺成分。As amazing as you already are, 这其实是一个让步从句,主要用于美国英语。在通常情况下,第一个as不用:Amazing as you already are, you can be even more so.表语amazing 置于连词as之前,构成让步从句。相当于:Though you are alrea...

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He may be dying for all I care.【翻译】他可能要死,我才不在乎呢。【分析】for all I care是个口语习语,意为:“与我无关,关我什么事”。1. You can go right now for all I care. 你现在就可以走,我才不在乎呢。来自柯林斯例句2. He can go hang for all I care.  见他的鬼吧,我才不在乎哩。来自辞典例句3. You...

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To understand what a Xiaomi success in the US might look like, it's important to understand what the company has lost in China.【翻译】要想了解小米式的成功在美国是个啥样子,重要的是要知道该公司在中国已经失去了什么。【分析】To understand what a Xiaomi success in the US might look like:目的状语。...

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stay the night如何分析句子成分

stay the night 是stay for the night的省略,现在演变成了固定说法。语言在向着简洁方向发展,这与日新月异的信息时代有关,与人们的快节奏生活相连。尤其体现在美国英语中,省略介词的现象比比皆是,前提是:只要不引起歧义。例如:I will go home Sunday.They stayed here five days.语法研究也要随行就市。我认为,stay...

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upbringing:不可数名词。指“教养;抚育”,是抽象含义。在绝大多数情况下,是不可数的。所以本句使用单数完全正确。偶尔有复数形式upbringings,是指“不同的教育环境”。例如:The twins had different upbringings. 这一对孪生儿幼时受的教育不同。 

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