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请老师判断主动句改的被动句,是否正确?如果错误,请指出并说明缘由。1. They waste a lot of time discussing unimportant things. 被动句: A lot of time is wasted (in) discussing unimportant things. (正)2.The police are sure to ask you that question. 被动句:2a. You are sure to be asked that question....

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1. Assume that you are a millionaire. 2. Suppose that you are a millionaire.这两个动词,表示“假设”意义时,意思相同。但suppose 可以用于祈使句(省略主语),还可以用作从属连词,引导条件状语从句,意思相当于if。1. Suppose we told her the truth. (祈使句)2. Suppose we told her the truth. What would...

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some of the students 中的 of 表示“所属”关系吗

4. used to show what group one or more things or people belong to 〔表示同一类中的所属关系〕:some of the students  某些学生【答】《朗文当代英语大词典》的释义和例子,发生错位。of 最常用的就是表示“所属关系”,例如:a member of the club “俱乐部的一名成员”(used to show what group one or more things...

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1. 动名词一般式doing既可以表示动作发生在谓语之前,—— 是的。 例如:I regret saying that to her.I remembered locking the door.以上两句,动名词一般式的动作,都发生在谓语动词之前。2. 也可以表示一般式就是经常做的 对吗?——对的。例如:I like swimming.He likes collecting stamps.以上两句,都表示永久性的...

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It was just such a stick as the old-fashioned family practitioner used to carry--dignified, solid, and reassuring.从句意角度看,本句应视为省略了主语和系动词:it was。这几个形容词都是说明修饰stick的。类似表达比较常见:Tom is a black boy --- honest, shy, and clever.

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rush hour(s)介词的搭配;show与hang的分词用法

the rush hour 指“交通高峰期”,尤其指城市上下班时间,使用单复数均可。如果说有区别的话,就是:前者表示“一天中某一个高峰期”,后者指“一天中的多个高峰期”。介词使用during, in, at 均可。分别举例如下:一、单数the rush hour 的例句:1. The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour.  在上下班高峰时...

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since as because

本句填 As:As I have made this first visit, I hope I can come many more times.【翻译】由于我是第一次拜访,所以我希望我今后能多来这里。▲ as 可表示原因, 作“因为, 既然”解,引导原因状语从句,表示不说自明的原因或理由,语气较轻,是附带提及,不加强调。as 引导的从句多放在主句之前,表示的原因不明显。As it is...

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for as long a time 的意思

A man may play chess with a friend for thirty years without knowing his political opinion, or he may talk politics with him for as long a time without knowing about his personal life. 【翻译】一个人可能对其政治观点的浑然不知情况下,和一个朋友下棋30年,或者对其个人生活浑然不知的情况下,和他谈论...

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是的。美国英语常用like 代替as,应该一开始属于口语现象,后来延伸到书面语。like 的这种连词用法,不仅见于网络,而且进入了大、中学教科书。

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if ever的省略问题

★★ 关于if ever 以及if 句的其他省略,总结归纳如下:If 条件句是成分省略最经常、省略形式最多的一种。常见的条件句省略形式有:if necessary, if possible, if true, if so, if not, if any, if anything, if anyone, if ever, if at all, if not better than等。其中,由于if 表达“非肯定”概念,所以if 句常含有“非肯定...

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