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the fulfillment of a lifetime's dreams的翻译

是的,原翻译是很粗糟的。又如:a lifetime’s dreams:应该是“一个人毕生的梦想”。不是“一个人的梦想”。

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It won’t take long与I won’t take long的对与错

▲从词的用法上看,take 表示“花费(时间)”之意时,其主语既可以是“事情”,也可以是“人”。下面举几个“人”作主语的例句:I took two days to paint this room. 油漆这房间我用了两天。I took three hours to finish the composition. 我花了三个小时才完成这篇作文。He took nearly two hours in the last marathon. 上次马...

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过去分词短语immaculately painted and pencilled作什么成分

Heilbronn was clever, and pretty too, immaculately painted and pencilled. It helped. She could argue for equal pay without ruffling feathers.【说明】Heilbronn应该是人名,原句漏掉一个字母n。【翻译】海尔布隆既聪明又漂亮,涂脂抹粉、描眉画眼都十分得体。这很给力,她可以顺利地主张同等的报酬。【句子理解和...

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Most engravings, for example, are best lit from the left, as befits the work of right-handed artists, who generally prefer to have the light source on the left so that the shadow of their hand does not fall on the tip of the engraving tool or brush. 例如,大多数的雕刻品从左侧照射是最好看的,这样适合...

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to happen to you是什么成分?

Wait for life to happen to you.【答】这个句子成分可以有两种划分,都讲得通:1. 不及物动词wait作谓语,for life to happen to you,动词不定式的复合结构作目的状语。其含义是:等待是为了让生活发生改变。2. 把wait for视为及物动词,life为宾语,to happen to you为宾语补足语。总之,无论怎么划分,都是指人消极地等...

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have got to do sth可用于哪些时态

我们一般是用 have to do sth,表示不得不做某事;但有时也用 have got to do sth,有人认为,后者在时态上有限制。我不明白,这里所说的“在时态上有限制”是指哪些限制,换句话说,have got to do sth 可用于哪些时态,同时又不可用于哪些时态?【答】我认为,在现实语言中,have got to do sth 和had got to do sth,都可...

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so的词性问题(相关句式so is sb 某人也一样)

He is nice, and so is she.本句中,and 是并列连词,so 是副词,意为“同样,也一样”,修饰动词(is)。is的表语是nice,承前省略,不是so。又如:I don’t know his address, and neither do I want to know.I enjoy dancing, and so does my wife (enjoy dancing). 

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求助定语从句里的倒装问题(涉及where lives sb)

正如在单句中那样,在定语从句中,也可以使用倒装语序。但仍然要符合语法规则,即:1. 介词短语 + 不及物动词 +主语2. 副词 +不及物动词 +主语例如:Secondly, there are many attractions that interest me a lot, among which is Big Ben.Next to the temple there was another smaller temple where lived a very o...

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Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart.【翻译】即便在我们的睡梦中,不能忘却的痛苦一点一滴坠落心头。【分析】该问题不属于定语从句,而是主动语态表示被动含义。在本句中,can't forget = can't be forgotten 这样用旨在为了简练。类似以下表达:The door can't e...

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