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为什么this sort of 后加了单数a function

this sort of (a)function:有没有 a 都正确。结构区别:this sort of function,划线词组做 function 的限定语,相当于冠词。this sort of a function,划线词组做 this sort 的定语。词义区别:this sort of function,这种聚会this sort of a function,这种样子的一个聚会 (带有揶揄口吻,是名不副实的聚...

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关于 5 more months of magic in AMS的理解

5 more months of magic in AMS  划线部分为定语。是的。中心词是 magic in AMS “AMS 魔术队队员资格”。我猜测,意思大概是:再经过5个月的AMS 魔术队队员资格,才转会...

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宾语从句中had been和was不同时态的含义辨析

We had all heard that it was a great dam, as modern as any of its kind in the world.had heard 的参照物,不是宾语从句,而是另外一个语境的动作。指在某事之前早就听说过。it was a great dam:表示“那是一座大型水坝”(陈述过去的一个事实),不受“听说”早晚的影响,而独立存在。如果用了 it had been a great...

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the same as与as...as区别

把 him 改用主格 he。句子意思是“我跟他比”,不是“薪水跟他比”,薪水和人没有可比性。I got the same salary as he.I got as much salary as he.你这两句话中,碰巧 salary 这个词既是可数名词,又是不可数名词。所以,这两句话才正确。如果改用不可数名词 money,第一句就是错句:I got the same money as he. (误)I got...

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Small lifestyle changes (主语)can make (谓语动词)a huge difference (宾语)and can reduce (谓语动词)the environmental impact of our daily activities.(宾语) and 连接两个并列的“动宾结构”;of our daily activities 是 impact 的定语。Small lifestyle changes can make a huge difference and...

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与 for several minutes 搭配时,动词该用什么时态?

友情提示 mikee 网友:你的三个例句,本身没错。但是,语境则是表语从句或宾语从句,这都要受到主句时态的制约,才用过去完成时的,说明从句的动作早于主句发生,这与 before 没有关系。我认为,before doing... 这个介词短语,跟 before ten o'clock yesterday 没有区别,是一个表达“过去时间点位” 的词组。The only re...

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1.You have no clue who I really am.  是的。划线部分是 clue 的同位语。2.It is good to see you back in uniform.划线部分是“副词+介词短语”,一并作宾语补足语。3.I'm responsible for all of this.of this 作定语修饰代词 all,没有其他分析。

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such as用来举例时的语法问题

Any business needs insurance against ordinary risks such as fire, flood, and breakage.such as 看作复合介词,用来表示“不完全列举”(没有完全列举所有的事项),作 risks 的定语,跟介词 like 用法相同。汉语意思是:诸如火灾、水灾和破损等险种。&nbsp...

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as 用法疑问

as it is reported (接 that 从句, it 是形式主语。as 多余删掉)as is reported(传统语法的定语从句,现代语法的比较从句)As is reported, China has become an important country in the world.正如报道的,中国已成为世界上一个重要国家。As is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are mak...

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