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网友提了好多的问题。我发现,主要问题是对动词的用法有疑惑。我首先判断网友提供句子的正误:1a. I want to avoid Bill’s thinking that I don’t want to help. (正)2a. I don’t mind the girls’ changing their minds. (正)1b. I wanted to avoid Bill’s thinking that I didn’t want to help. (正)2b. I didn’t mi...

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Late that year, in November, I was in my club, sipping a glass of sherry before dinner. 【翻译】那年晚些时候,也就是在十一月份(的某天),我在我的俱乐部里,晚饭前喝了一杯雪利酒。【分析】1.  late 是副词,that year 是时间名词(副词用法,之前省略介词), 修饰late。类似的表达:early in the mor...

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made part of family life的意思

1. 不知网友是否还记得这个结构:make + 宾语 + 宾补 (使...成为...)2. make these friendships part of family life 让友谊成为家庭生活的一部分 = 让友谊介入家庭生活。3. 你把它变成否定,再变成被动语态,就成了提问的句子。

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as in some planned speech and wirting:as 后面跟介词,这恰恰说明 as 不是介词,而是连词。这是连词as 之后省略了成分而导致。我们可以根据前文补充完整。

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an hour前不用加介词吗

The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour -- much faster than any of its rivals.1.an hour前为什么不加介词?—— forty miles an hour:每小时50英里。an hour = per hour = every hour,表示“每”的概念时,名词前用不定冠词,per,every,不加任何介词。2.an hour是名词词组作状语吗...

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the 80s的谓语动词

If the 80s were the age of stress, this is the age of anxiety, with 30% of Britons experiencing an anxiety disorder during their lifetime.【翻译】如果说80年代是压力的年代,那么现在就是焦虑的时代,因为30%的英国人在他们的一生中都经历过焦虑障碍。if 从句不是虚拟语气,而是陈述语气。这里,80年代应该指“20...

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完成体的时间状语问题(have repaired the road in three days)

第一个问题:用 in 没错。我用两个句子做比较,来分析这个问题。1. They have repaired the road for three days.2. They have repaired the road in three days.句1,“他们修路已经三天了。” 只表示修路这个动作,持续至今已经3天了,但没有说明已经修完。句2,“他们在三天内修好了这条路。” 表示修路这个动作,用了3天的...

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more than造句纠错

本句从语法和语义,都正确。a better way 跟不定式 to meet her face 作比较,是两个同类的比较项。因为way 表示方式,不定式to meet her face 可以表示way 的具体内容。I can't expect a better way to start my day than to meet her face.【直译】我找不到比见到她更好的方式来开始我的一天了。【意译】一天伊始,只...

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rather than并列问题

Rather than reflecting public opinion, America's lawmakers have for decades found it more useful to inflame it.从整个句子看,“反映民意”(reflecting public opinion)和“煽动民意”(to inflame it),是两个完全并列的成分。但是,原句一个是动名词,一个是不定式。在语法上,原句有误,应改为:Rather than r...

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答案是肯定的。例如:He is the boy who we call Tom. 他就是我们称作汤姆的那个男孩。She is a girl who we find very kind. 她是一个我们觉得很善良的女孩。Tom isn't a student that you can force to learn. 汤姆不是一个你能强迫学习的学生。He was the man that we saw entering the ro...

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