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B.应该是is going to rain 吧。

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判断方法:fall off + 无宾语:off 为副词fall off + 有宾语:off 为介词【注意】以上fall 为不及物动词。第一个例句是“动副组合”,你的第二个例句,是“动介组合”。差别就是:off 是否接宾语。如果是及物动词,小品词off 就是副词,而不是介词,无论宾语在什么位置。例如:cut off the branch (切下枝条)这时,还可说:cu...

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有each one of the students这种说法吗

请问有 each one of the students 这种说法吗?【答】each one of the students 这种说法,完全可以。因为each 既是代词,也是限定词,该词组each 就是限定词,作定语。又如:1. Each one of these ancient towns is hauntingly beautiful.  这些古镇个个都美得令人难以忘怀。来自柯林斯例句2. Each one of us has his...

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1) They expect the amount of work will be too much, so they have decided to decrease it. (正)2) They expected the amount of work would be too much, so they have decided to decrease it. (误)3) They expected the amount of work would be too much, so they decided to dec...

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reference number究竟是什么意思(如order reference number)

Can you give me your order reference number, please?这里为什么不是 order number,而是 order reference number?比如给房东汇钱,必须用 reference number,否则人家不知道是你汇的。这个号是房东随便编的?还有什么场合要用到 reference number?【翻译】请提供您的订单(查阅)号码,可以吗?1. 关键词是:order&nbsp...

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from + 地点(或方位/方向):我觉得,看作“方式状语”很勉强,笼统地划为“地点状语”即可。

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than 倒装句的理解难点

It is no more expensive than would be the system you are proposing.【翻译】它跟你提议的方法代价都不高。(含义是:两个做事的办法成本都很低廉,花钱不多,代价不高)【分析】1. It 是人称代词,指代前文说的某个“计划、办法、方法”等。2. system 在这里指某事情的“方式、方法”。 3. you are proposing 作定语,修饰t...

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这个that it is是定语从句吗

They have done what they can to make this programme the success that it is. 【翻译】他们已经竭尽所能,使这个计划取得了如此的成功。【分析】1. 定语从句that it is 的准确含义是:“如此的;这般的;就是现在样子的;就像目前样子的”。2. that 是关系代词,指代“the success”。3. it 是人称代词,指代“this...

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on earth 的意思

英语中有些词语,用在特殊疑问词或特殊疑问词修饰的名词之后,加强句子语气,意为“究竟;到底”,这些词语是:in God's name, in Heaven's name, on earth,(不是on the earth)in the world, the hell, in hellWhat on earth are you doing now? 你究竟在干什么?What in God 's name was that huge bang ?...

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