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come around / come round /come over的理解

网友在表达上不够清晰。要学会怎样用准确的汉语表达!come 是“来;过来”,可以来到某人家里或办公室里。加上这些表“位置;方位” 的副词(a)round, over,有时暗含着“来访” 之意,往往具有“随意性和非正式性”,“来访” 是从这些词组的其他意思中衍生出来的。visit 是“访问;来访” 的正式用语。可以指国家首脑之间的“正式访问”...

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为什么是was gathered被动呢

He had a crowd that was gathered, of dignitaries, a lot of airport officials as they begun this new chapter in air travel right here in Beijing.此句有3种理解:1. He had a crowd that was gathered 等于:He had a crowd gathered(have + 宾语 + done 结构)2. was gathered:被动语态。意为:人群被...

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There be 可以引导定语从句吗

The companies were also accused of ignoring signs (that)there was a problem concerning opioids in northestern Ohio.几家公司还被指控无视俄亥俄州东北部阿片类药物存在问题的迹象。1. there was a problem 句子完整,concerning opioids in northestern Ohio 是problem的定语。所以,排除作定语的可能性。2. 其实...

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let go of 和 let go 使用辨析

这三个表达都可以说:let the fish go (正常结构)let go the fish (宾补前置)let go of the fish (口语用法。多了一个 of,只为顺口,但不符合语法。)

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go to crash 和 go crash 区别是什么

这两个表达都是错的。应为:go crashing。

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need 怎么区分是情态动词还是实义动词

Someone needs to cover them...(正)Someone need cover them...(误)need 后面的不定式带 to,是“实意动词”;不带 to 则是“情态动词”。但是,情态动词 need 不能用于肯定句,只用于疑问句和否定句。正误判断:1. They need go. (误)2. They need to go. (正)3. Need they go? (正)4. Need they to go? (误)5. D...

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网友写错了单词。是forging,原形 forge(锻造,缔造,建立),不是 forgoing。ties  是“关系”。it is forging strong ties with other developing countries.【翻译】中国正在与其他发展中国家建立牢固的关系。

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in 表示“从...中;对...” 之意。例如:show pride in  对...表现出自豪感,  不是“显得对...”。take pride in  对...引以为豪。

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1. Jaws told of a silent, monstrous predator that chewed up the lives, limbs and the summer vacations of unfortunate swimmers at an Atlantic Ocean coastal resort.2. Sales took off, money rolled in.第一句,黑体部分chewed up the summer vacations of unfortunate swimmers  字面是“吞噬”,实际意思是:...

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We often use language for no other reason than simply to express our willingness to be sociable. 【翻译】我们经常使用语言仅仅是为了表达我们想要交际的意愿。 1.  other than:表示“从...中排除”,意为“除此之外”。仔细体会其含义:Everyone other than John can help her. (唯独约翰不能帮她...

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