龙  楠
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翻译:亨利今晚不能参加会议,因为他要上课。(将 tonight 理解为状语)亨利不能参加今晚的会议,因为他要上课。(将 tonight 理解为定语)

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until now的准确理解和翻译

下面是Cambridge International Dictionary of English 在 until 词条的解释,可供参考:Common mistake: until now or so far?Warning: choose the correct adverb!Use “until now” to talk about a situation that existed, but has just ended:The weather was lovely until now. I hope the rain stops soon.To talk ab...

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Mark often attempts to escape ______ whenever he breaks traffic regulation.A.having been fined B.to have been fine C.to be fined D.being fined本题要选 D 而不能选 C,原因很简单,因为 escape 后面接动词时要用动名词,不能用不定式。又如:I hate him but I can’t escape meeting him. 我讨厌他,但又不得...

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would like可以表示过去吗

would like 即可用于现在也可用于过去。比如下面的句子均是用于过去:(1) She asked who would like to go. 她问谁愿意去。(《张道真英语语法》)(2) We mentioned that we would like to see the match and he arranged it for us immediately. 我们说起想看比赛,他马上为我们做了安排。(《朗文英汉双解活用词典》)(3)...

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Three deaths ______ in the accident.A.report B.were reported C.have reported D.reported答案为B。因为 deaths 与 report 之间为被动关系,故只能选被动语态。而四个选项中只有 B 为被动语态,所以只能选 B。

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in favor of用法分析(后面接什么词以及作什么成分)

同意陈老师的解答,下面是一个简单的补充:问题1:in favor of 是一个很怪的短语,在句子中具体接在什么单词后边用呢?很难具体说明它跟在什么单词后面,因为它引出的短语主要用作状语(有时也用作表语),而状语的位置是比较灵活的。问题2:这个短语相当于一个动词还是形容词还是什么?它不相当于动词,也不相当于形容词,...

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第一句的从句是虚拟语气,而第二句不是。严格说来,下面两句并不是100%相等:(1) It is time that the children were in bed.(2) It is time for the children to be in bed.第(1)句的从句谓语是虚拟语气,含有早该上床睡觉了的意思,言外之意是:睡得晚了。而第(2)则没有这个“言外之意”,它的意思就是:孩子们该上床睡觉了...

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▲otherwise 的前面不需要逗号,这个otherwise是副词,意思是“之不同地;相反地”,它在句中的位置比较灵活。比如:All the photographs in this book,unless stated otherwise, date from the 1950s.All the photographs in this book,unless otherwise stated, date from the 1950s.Unless otherwise stated, all the photo...

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常见的后面只能接to do的词组(不能接doing)有哪些

be about to do sth 即将,马上(不与具体时间状语连用)。如:Sit down, everyone. The film is about to start. 大家坐好,电影马上就要开发始了。He was about to go to bed when the telephone rang. 他正要上床睡觉,这时电话铃响了起来。be bursting to do sth 急于要做某事。如:He was bursting to tell her the news...

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▲foot 表示“脚”时,其复数为 feet。如:I wear shoes on my feet. 我脚上穿着鞋子。He is on his feet for sixteen hours a day. 他每天站16个小时。He suffers terribly with his feet. 他的脚痛得不得了。I walked into a pool of water and got my feet wet. 我走近一个水坑,把脚弄湿了。▲foot 表示“英尺”时,其复数是...

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