龙  楠
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rest easy doing sth 的语法分析

I can rest easy knowing that she’s safely home. 知道她已安全到家,我就放心了。 句中的 rest easy 是习语,意思是“不再担心”“停止忧虑”,相当于 stop worrying。英语词典把该习语放在 easy 的副词词性下面,这说明 rest 不是系动词(而是不及物动词),easy 也不是表语(而是状语)。至于句中的现在分词短语knowin...

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蒋老师的归纳很好。我手头也有一个类似的资料,录于下,供参考:analyze, -seapologize, -iseapostrophize, -ise appetizer, -iserauthorize, -ise baptize, -ise capitalize, -isecivilize, -ise criticize, -ise economize, -ise emphasize, -ise evangelize, -isefertilize, -ise generalize, -isehomogenize, -ise hybr...

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a good way to wake up中的不定式是什么成分


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▲关于 time 的可数性请注意以下几点:1. 表示抽象意义的“时间”,不可数。如:Time will show which of us is right. 时间能证明咱们谁对谁错。2. 表示“一段时间”,通常可数。如:She was away for quite a time. 她已经离开了相当一段时间。3. 表示“次数”“……回”,为可数名词。如:The baby woke up three times in the nigh...

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insist on, insist upon的用法问题(动词后面接on, upon)

英语完全可以说 insist upon。如:She insisted upon knowing the truth. 她坚持要知道真相。(剑桥)He insisted upon checking everything himself. 他坚持要亲自检查一切。(朗文)She insists upon fresh fruit every morning.  她坚决要求每$早上要有新鲜水果。(麦克米伦)相关动词归纳如下:He called on / upo...

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act as interpreter还是act as an interpreter

act as 的基本意思是“担任”“充当”“起……的作用”。如:Praise act as an encouragement to the young. 表扬对于青年可起鼓舞作用。The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person. 经过训练的狗可以担任盲人的向导。如果表示担任独...

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请分析in what was to become(老托语法)

▲用排除法做:根据空格前的介词 in 可知,答案肯定不能选 A 和 D,因为介词后面不能接跟句子或动词 was。如果选 B,则构成 in which was to become…结构,很显然它是一个定语从句,但是前面却没有定语从句所修饰的先行词,故也不能选;所以只能选 C。▲答案 C 的分析:in what was to become…中的 in 为介词,其后的 what 引...

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next morning 是否应该改为the next morning

按传统语法,要表示非现在时间的“第二天早上”,通常要用 the next morning。但在现代英语中,也可以用 next morning(即省略 the)。如下面的内容摘自《柯林斯高级英语用法词典》:If you want to say that something happened during the morning of the next day, you say that it happened the next morning, in the mor...

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