龙  楠
龙 楠 - 英语教师
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连系动词 look 后面可以直接数字表示年龄的。如:She doesn’t look 12. People think she’s only 8 or 9, and she plays up to this all the time. 她看上去不到十二岁。别人以为她只有八九岁,于是她干脆以小卖小。当然,为了更准确地表达年龄,也可以在数字后面加上 years old。如:You don’t look 15 years old. 你看上...

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require sth of me 什么意思

▲require sth of me 什么意思require sth of sb 的意思是“向某人要求某物”,也可说成 require sth from sb(用介词 of 比用介词 from 更常见)。如:What do you require of me? 你要求我做什么? I have done everything that was required of me. 一切要我做的事情我都已经做好了。▲require 的其他用法1. 表示“要求”...

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with sb (sth) doing 复合结构中的doing是动名词还是现在分词

▲with sb (sth) doing 这类复合结构中的 doing 是现在分词,不是动名词。因为,假若其中的 doing 是动名词,其前的 sb 为逻辑主语,那么这个 sb 就可以用宾语和所有格,正如下面这样句子的用法:I’m so afraid of you [your] being angry. 我生怕你生气。We're all looking forward to your [you] coming. 我们都盼望你...

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当表示担任某职位时,若该职位具有独一无二性,则该职位名词前通常不用冠词。又如:The new leader retained his job as head of finance. 新领导继续担任财务主管。After she had a baby, she resumed her job as manager. 她生完小孩后重返她的经理岗位。She got a job as personal secretary to the comp...

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lie below/lay below是什么意思

▲基本结构分析:主句:they soon ran into serious trouble从句:Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below(让步状语从句)▲让步状语从句分析:在 Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountai...

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并列句中的时态没有什么特别规定,只需根据具体的语境需要来确定即可,如:Do you want a bath at once, or shall I have mine first? 是你马上洗澡,还是我先洗?The decision has been made, and we must all abide by it. 决定已经作出,我们必须遵守。The weather had been rainy for days, and the day of the race wa...

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将“小玲妹妹”翻译成 Sister Xiao Ling 也可以的。比如美国小说家 Theodore Dieiser(西奥多•德莱塞)就曾写过一本小说,叫《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)。如:Hungry and cold, Sister Carrie joined the stream of job seekers again. 嘉莉妹妹饥寒交迫,又加入到失业者的人流中。顺便说一句,Sister 还可表示“修女”“护士...

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▲第二句是对的。即:Are Africans a coloured people? 非洲人是有色人种吗?这里的 people 虽然翻译成“人种”,其实还是指“人”,所以它的用法与表示“人”的people用法相同(永远表示“复数”意义)。如:Africans and Indians are coloured people. 非洲人和印第安人是有色人种。Black communities spoke up to defend the righ...

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为什么可以说a time、a long time(time是不可数名词啊)

▲time并不是永远不可数。当它表示抽象意义的“时间”时,它确实不可数。如:Time heals all sorrows. 时间可以消除一切忧伤。Time is our most valuable commodity. 时间是最有价值的东西。Time permitting, we’ll come and see you. 如果时间允许,我们就来看你。▲但如果表示“一段时间”,则可以连用不定冠词。如:He left a...

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