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show up among the patients中up是什么词性

▲句中的 up 为副词,show up 为“动词+副词”型短语动词,其主要用法如下:(1)(如期)到达It was getting late when she finally showed up. 天色已晚,她终于赶到了。It was ten o’clock when he finally showed up. 10点钟时他终于到了。(2)显眼,显露,变得明显The writing didn’t show up very well on yellow paper. 笔迹...

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clash over和argue over有什么不同

(1) clash over 和 argue over 有什么不同?clash over 和 argue over 均可表示“为……而发生争执”,但 clash over 较正式,且多用于新闻报道。如:Troops clashed near the border. 军队在边境附近发生了冲突。Differences in the aims of the two unions have led to serious clashes over policy. 两个工会的目标不同导致...

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▲在你的句子中,Hepburn made 是定语从句,修饰名词 movies。为便于理解,可以在 made 后面加上一个逗号,即:Of all the movies Hepburn made, none is more memorable than “Breakfast at Tiffany's”.句子意思是:在Hepburn(赫本)拍的电影中,没有一部比《蒂凡尼的早餐》(Breakfast at Tiffany's)更令人难忘...

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70 赞同

ask sb about sth,ask sb of sth, ask sb sth的区别

▲先看以下三个表达:ask sb 问某人ask sth 问某事ask sb sth 向某人问某事Did you ask her? 你问她没有?Did you ask the price? 你问价格没有?Did you ask her the price? 你问她价格没有?▲再看ask sb about sthHe asked me about the meeting. 他向我询问会议的情况。She asked about his health. 她询问他的健康状况。...

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▲句子共有三个动词:accelerated: 过去分词were required: 主句谓语(被动语态)could be translated: 从句谓语(被动语态)▲accelerated during two world wars 为过去分词短语,作定语,修饰efforts。▲全句结构为:主句:Prodigious efforts, accelerated during two world wars, were required从句:before the technolo...

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something which可以省略something吗

句子中的 something 不能省略,但something 后面的 which 可以省略(因为这个 which 用于引导宾语从句,且在定语从句中用作宾语,故可省略)。句子大意:未来就是这样一样东西,每一个人都以每小时60分钟的速度朝它走去。不管他做什么,也不管他是什么人。

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▲做好此题的关键是要知道 a courtesy car 的意思。courtesy 的基本意思是:谦恭有礼;客气话;礼貌的举止。如:Courtesy should exist even among intimate friends. 即使在亲密朋友之间也应讲究礼貌。The two presidents exchanged courtesies before their meeting. 两国总统在互相问好之后就开始会谈。▲但用以上意思套上...

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10 赞同

the way后面的是什么从句

the way后面接的从句是定语从句,可视为从句前省略了 in which:1. That’s the way he was raised. 他就是这样给抚养大的。= That’s the way in which he was raised.2. People liked the way he wrote. 人们喜欢他写作的方式。= People liked the way in which he wrote.3. The way he treats her really burns me up. 他...

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What does it mean to be smart为什么要加to be

你的句子用不能省略 to be。为便于理解,我把网友的句子对应的陈述句写出来比较:To to smart means to be clever. 句意:To to smart 的意思是 to be clever. 就划线部分提问,即得:What does to be smart mean? 句意:to be smart 是什么意思?然后用 it 代替作主语的不定式,则为:What does it mean to be smart?...

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谚语Man cannot live by bread alone如何翻译

前面两位老师的分析和引文都有道理。下面是个人的理解,不一定对,提出来仅供参考:▲我觉得两种翻译都说得通,只是表达的侧重点有所不同。我们先来看看 Man cannot live by bread alone 的实际意思是什么。1.《麦克米伦高阶学习词典》的解释是:used for saying that people need more than food, money, and possessions i...

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