龙  楠
龙 楠 - 英语教师
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前往巴黎的旅客请到16号登机口。Passengers for Paris should proceed to gate 16.Those leaving for Paris should proceed to gate 16.Those who leave for Paris should proceed to gate 16.

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a long slow process还是a slow long process

我觉得应该是a long slow process,因为 slow 与 progress 关系更紧密——是因为慢才导致长,所以 slow 紧挨着名词放,long 放在稍远的地方。如:the long slow climb out of the recession 经济衰退期后长时间的缓慢复苏  He took a long slow breath, inhaling deeply. 他缓缓地深吸了一口气。Getting fit again has b...

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引导宾语从句的what, who, which,when, where,why叫什么词

我的看法与曾老师的看法稍有不同,提出来供大家参考(不一定对)!▲我觉得“连词”与“连接词”是一回事,在英语中叫 conjunction。其实,英语词典对conjunction 的翻译就是“连词,连接词”,如你说的 that, if, whether。英语的连词(连接词)通常可分为两类:一类是并列连词(如and, or, so, but 等),用于连接并列句;另一类...

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ashamed, shameful, shameless的用法区别

ashamed表示“感到羞耻的”,shameful表示“可耻的”“丢脸的”,shameless表示“无耻的”“脸皮厚的”。如:You should be ashamed of doing that. 你应该为自己做那样的事感到羞耻。He is ashamed of his shameful conduct. 他因其可耻的行为而感到惭愧。She’s quite shameless about wearing sexy clothes at work. 她穿着性感的衣...

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含有festival的节日为什么没有the(Qiqiao Festival)

中国传统节日通常含有 Festival,且这类节日通常带定冠词the。如:Legend has it that the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to recall the soul of Qu Yuan. 传说端午节的起源是为了召回屈原的灵魂。(江苏卷)At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children lucky m...

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▲表示事物性质特征的形容词叫性质形容词。如:clever 聪明的dry 干的fat 胖的 golden 金色的good 好的heavy 重的square 方的……注:以上例词来自《牛津英语语法》,该书把形容词分为以下几类:指示形容词、个体形容词、数量形容词、疑问形容词、所有格形容词、性质形容词。▲说“be+性质形容词+to do结构”要用主动形式表达被动...

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treat sb as/like sth的句子成分分析

He treated me as / like a stranger. 他待我像陌生人。这里的 as a stranger / like a stranger 是宾补,不是方式状语。因为这里的 me 与 as a stranger / like a stranger 有逻辑上的主谓关系,即他对待我,就像我是一个陌生人似的。

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1. 当连接两个非谓语动词时,通常应使用一样的形式。如:It is much easier to get into debt than to get out of it. 借债容易还债难。He likes playing chess more than watching TV. 与看电视相比,他更喜欢下棋。比较:He thinks it is safer to drive himself than (to) let me drive. =He thinks that driving himsel...

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在“as+adj./adv.+as+比较对象”这类句式中,第一个 as 是副词,用以修饰其后的adj./adv.,第二个 as 是介词或连词(若后接名词或代词,as 是介词;若后接句子,as 是连词)。如:They don’t have as many books as you. 他们没有你那么多的书。(第二个as是介词)He is just as willing to discuss the problem as you are....

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than you do还是than you will

两句都对,但以用一般现在为普通。若than引导的比较状语从句与主句动作不一致,可以根据情况使用适当的时态形式。如:He drives faster than he did a year ago. 他开车比一年以前快了。 The house is rather bigger than we thought. 这所房子比我们想的大得多。 若主句为将来时,than引导的从句可用现在时态表示将来,也...

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