龙  楠
龙 楠 - 英语教师
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▲若仅从结构的相似性(不考虑意思的相似性)来考虑,以下句子应该都算包括你说的结构:He has a good sense of style. 他很有格调。She seems to have a good sense of humor. 她似乎有很强的幽默感。They have a good grasp of foreign languages. 他们外语掌握得很好。We have a good store of food in the house. 我们家...

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Susan sat on a chair close to the window.分析

这里的 close 确实是形容词,close to the window 是形容词短语,它在此用作后置定语,修饰名词 chair,相当于一个定语从句:Susan sat on a chair which is close to the window. 再如:I know an actor suitable for the part. 我认识一个适合扮演这个角色的演员。We must hear opinions contrary to...

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答案确实是应该把 cheered 改成cheering,因为句子主语 we 与 cheer 是主谓关系,而非动宾关系。又如:He shouted himself hoarse, cheering on the team. 她为运动队加油,嗓子都喊哑了。Crowds lined the route, waving flags and cheering. 人群沿路线排成行,挥舞着旗子欢呼。With the crowds cheering, the royal part...

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not only...but also句式的改写疑问

它不仅为北京的观众所钟爱,也受到全国人民的喜爱。It is enjoyed not only by Beijing audience, but also by people all over the country.上面这句话可以改成下面这样:It is not only enjoyed by Beijing audience, but also enjoyed by people all over the country.但这样用通常是出于强调或其他原因。比如下面的汉语...

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句子分析:Take from the drawer such as you need.

本句的正常词序是:Take such as you need from the drawer. 句意为:你需要什么就从这抽屉里拿。要理解此句,首先要弄清这里的 such as 的用法——它在此相当于what, whatever, anything that 等。如:Such as remains after tax will be yours when I die. 我死以后全部财产除了交税以外都给你。(=Everything that remains...

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你的句子用单数形式的 butt 也可以的。你的问题涉及英语中的“分配性复数”。所谓分配性复数,就是指在两组人或事物中,其中一组人或事物与另一组人或事物中单独的个体逐一相配,此时表示“逐一相配”的个体名词使用复数形式。比如:There was a riot when the workers were told they had lost their jobs. 当工人们听说他们失...

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be careful doing sth的用法分析

▲be careful doing sth 的意思是“做某事很小心”,其中的现在分词短语 doing sth 可理解为时间状语(即做某事时,可视为在其前省略了in, when, while 等词)。如:Be careful dealing with such people. 和这种人打交道要小心。He emphasized the importance of careful driving. 他强调了小心驾驶的重要性。I pray that you...

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我觉得填 later 比较合适,later 在此表示“稍后”。又如:Save your strength for the hard work you’ll have to do later. 留着点儿劲儿,你一会儿还得干重活儿呢。We’ll have to eat later, I’m collecting Grandma from the hospital this evening. 我们得晚点吃饭了,今晚我要去医院接外婆。如果用 then,句子应该会这样...

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be going to do sth的一个用法难点

《薄冰高级英语语法》第9.14节对 be going to 的用法有如下归纳:1. 表打算,如:What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天打算干什么?注意was (were) going to在下列句子中的特殊含义:I was going to call on you yesterday. 我本打算昨天去看你来着。What time were we going to have a picnic? 我们什么耐候要去野餐...

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