▲从语法角度,in England 既可以只修饰 recruiting agent,也可以修饰 a ship owner or recruiting agent。到底修饰哪一个,需根据前后文来确定。in England 修饰 recruiting agent 那是没有异义的,它是否也修饰 a ship owner,则要看它是否属于来自英国。如果上下文交代 a ship owner 也是来自“英国”,则可以认为 in Engl...
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▲你的怀疑是有道理的,如果 happen 后面不定式所表示的动词发生在先,原则上应用完成式。如:He happened to have heard of the book. 他碰巧听人说起过这本书。I happened to have driven that kind of car before. 我碰巧过去曾开过那种汽车。▲你的句子之所以没有用完成式是因为“灯熄”与“小偷才溜进房间”是紧挨着发生,所...
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同意黎老师的看法,应填 floors。注:《葛传椝英语惯用法词典》认为:floor 偶尔用作物质名词,如 a strip of floor。——但估计针对小学生的考题,这应该不是出题者的初衷。
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▲你的句子有误。It is concluded 后面的 that 应引导一个完整的句子,但你的这个句子并不完整(没有谓语)。下面是 It was concluded that…句式的应用:It was concluded that the poor little puppy had been abandoned. 结论是那可怜的小狗是被人遗弃。It was concluded the project had to be abandoned for lack of fun...
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刘老师的解释非常详细,这位网友应该明白了。下面换一个角度分析,算是对这一问题的一个补充:▲汉语中“备用”一词的适用面比较广,凡是准备着供需要时用的东西都可以称为“备用……”,比如备用轮胎、备用钥匙、备用药品、备用食品、备用机组、备用文件、备用电源、备用方案……但是英语中的 spare 表示“备用”时是什么意思呢?查《...
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one thing or another与one thing after another的用法稍有区别:1. one thing or another 这样那样的事(强调所涉及的事很多,很杂):She is always out and about, doing one thing or another. 他总是在外面到处跑,有做不完的事。Jane’s grandmother had wanted to write a children’s book for many years, but one t...
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同意蒋老师的分析。比如2000的高考卷中就有这样一题:15. —Are you coming to Jeff’s party?—I’m not sure. I ______ go to the concert instead.A. must B. would C. should D. might参考答案为 might。
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不知你说的“特殊用法”是什么意思,推荐“英语语法网”的两篇相关文章,可供参考:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201105/2243.html http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201603/4832.html
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你看到的答案不对,可能的答案如下:Not being able to use a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research.Being unable to use a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research.Not knowing how to use a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academ...
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leave a job 的意思是“离职”“辞职”,不是“离开工作”(比如暂时离开一阵子)。根据《朗文当代英语词典》leave a job 与 quit a job 同义,即辞职。如:You’ll regret it if you leave your job now. 你要是现在就辞职,你会后悔的。Her decision to leave her job seemed overly precipitate. 她要辞职的决定似乎过于仓促了...
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