龙  楠
龙 楠 - 英语教师
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▲accept 后可接名词或代词作宾语,但一般不接不定式。如:He asked her to marry him and she accepted him. 他向她求婚,她同意了。一般不说:...and she accepted to marry him.不过可说:…and she agreed to marry him.▲权威依据:以下内容摘自L.G.亚历山大编写的《朗文•英语词汇用法手册》(括号内的“不能用 accepted t...

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作状语的名词短语前为什么没有介词(most of the winter)

你的句子加上介词for也可以,只是这样用的介词通常省略,但不省略也是可能的。如:It will be wet and windy for most of the month. 本月大部分时间有雨和多风。The ground is dry and hard for most of the year. 一年的大部分时间,地面都是又干又硬。Living in a foreign country requires you to be on for most of th...

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谢谢曹老师出题,我来试试,不妥和错误之处请指正!1. He wrote a report for two hours.(正)2. They saw him to be an imposter.(正;此处的 see 用于see...to be,意为“把……看作或当作”)3. He spent two years living in Beijing.(误;宜去掉 living)4. Tom is the one who I gave some advice.(误;宜将 who 改为...

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谢谢曹老师出题,我来试试,不妥和错误之处请指正!1. He didn't go to New York for two weeks.在没有上下文的情况下,有两种可能性:(1) 他有两个星期没有去纽约。(2) 他去纽约没有待足两个星期。2. I don't think the family lived in the house for a year.在没有上下文的情况下,有两种可能性:(1) 我认为这一...

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appeal sb to do sth为什么是错的

这不是什么习惯用法或惯用法!这个问题很简单,因为 appeal(呼吁,恳求)是不及物动词,它不能直接后跟宾语。若跟宾语,必须先接介词(通常是to),所以不能说 appeal sb to do sth,而要说 appeal to sb to do sth。如:I appealed to them to make less noise. 我求他们别那么大声嚷嚷。He made a personal appeal to the...

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Inspecting the goods after production is finished is too late. 句子分析如下:主句:Inspecting the goods is too late. 从句:after production is finished(表时间,即时间状语从句)句意:完成生产后再对货物进行检验已为时太晚。

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▲简单时说,当 whose 和 which 都用作定语(即后面跟有被修饰的名词)时,whose 在意义上相当于物主代词 one’s;which 在意义上相当于指示代词 this 或 that。比较:(1) This is Mary, whose [= and her] father we met last week.(2) Call again at 11, by which time [= and by that time] the meeting should be over.▲...

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你说词典对 ABC 的解释有矛盾的地方,我不太明白,这可能是你的误解吧!可能是不同的词典解释的详略程度有所不同吧。ABC 的用法大致有以下几个:1. 字母(表)He’s learning his ABC at school. 他在学校里学习字母。Does the boy know his ABC? 这个男孩儿认识字母了吗?2. 入门知识,基础知识,基本知识What I need is a boo...

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▲suppose本来是动词,supposing本来是现在分词,但它们有时可用作连词,引导条件状语从句,其意为“假若”“如果”等;此时主句通常为疑问句。如:Supposing he can’t come, who will do the work? 假使他不能来,这工作谁做? Supposing he does not come, shall we go without him? 如果他没来,我们可不可以不带他去? Suppose...

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查查词典就知道了。比如《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第四版的 it 词条,在 pron 词性下面有例句(it 或为形式主语,或为形式宾语):It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks. 两位领导人好像在举行秘密会谈。Does it matter what colour it is? 是什么颜色有关系吗?It's impossible (for us) to get th...

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