龙  楠
龙 楠 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-01-08


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问题1:这里的 would 作何解释?这里的 would 指过去的习惯。如:Occasionally they would go out and paint pictures. 偶尔他们会出去画画。This singing made people stop, and then I would make a ten-minute speech. 唱歌使路人停下,然后我会作十分钟的讲演。He would sit there for hours sometimes doing nothing a...

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看作是伴随状语或主语补语均可以。看作是伴随状语:was lying 与 curled up on her bed 同时发生,前面为谓语(为主),后者为过去分词短语(为辅,伴随前者而存在)。看作是主语补语:即过去分词短语curled up on her bed是补充说明句子语 she 的情况的,表示当时主语所处的状态。

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touch, untouch, untouched的词形变化

你以为 untouched 是由untouch变化的过去分词,然后才转化成的形容词。其实,untouched 是这样构成的:touch → touched → untouched。其实类似的构词情况很多:The question was unexpected. 那种质问完全是出乎意料的。The match was left undecided. 比赛没有分出胜负。The land reform question remained unsolved. 土改...

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For the Japanese festival Obon…为什么用介词for

▲查了一下教材的原文:Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because th...

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你的句子省略 either 也完全可以。比较而言:either...or...的选择性比单独用 or 选择性更强,但两者的区别有时很少,常可混用。又如:He can’t (either) read or write. 他既不认得字也不会写字。I don’t like (either) English or French. 我既不喜欢英语也不喜欢法语。I will go on business (either)this week or next...

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你应该是指它们两个用作动词的区别吧!▲plan 用作动词时意思是“计划”“打算”,后接不定式,表示计划做某事或打算做某事。如:They plan to take a fortnight over the job. 他们计划花两周时间做这件工作。I plan to pay all my debts in one month’s time. 我计划在一个月内偿还所有的债务。表示“打算做某事”时,除可接不定...

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propose的用法疑问(propose sth for sb的用法等)

▲propose somebody for something(提名某人做某事)的意思是指在会议上提议或提名某人担任某职位或参加某组织。其后接具体的职位时,for 也可换成 as;但若是指 position, post, job 之类的“职位”词,则只用 for 。如:I propose Mr Smith for [as] chairman. 我提名史密斯先生当主席。He was proposed for the job of tre...

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have time to do sth和have time doing sth的区别

两者的意思和用法不同:1. have some time to do sth 意思是“有时间做某事”。如:You must have some time to rest after the journey. —路辛苦了,你得休息一些时候。I'd have some time to familiarize myself with the store. 我得有些时间使自己熟悉这家商店。2. have some time doing sth 意思是“做某事...

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1. 从属连词引导的句子,可以在主句之前或之后……——你的这个理解是对的。如:I went in quietly because I wanted to give her a surprise. 我悄悄走进去,因为我想要她吃一惊。Because I wanted to give her a surprise, I went in quietly. 我悄悄走进去,因为我想要她吃一惊。2. 并列连词引导的句子只能在主句之后,对么...

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standing room only是名词还是形容词

▲standing room only 通常用作名词,其本义是“只有站立的地方”,通常用于剧场﹑运动场、交通工具等,指因人多而没有座位。如:All the seats were gone, so there was standing room only. 当时座位票已全部售完,只剩站票了。▲有时也用作形容词,表示因为人多而拥挤。如:It was standing room only with the hall packed...

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