龙  楠
龙 楠 - 英语教师
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▲表示“客栈”的英语通常是inn:We like to stay at small rural inns. 我们想住乡村小客栈。They put up at an inn for the night. 他们在一家小客栈里过夜。There is an air of romance about the old inn. 这家老客栈颇有些浪漫气氛。Hotels have taken the place of old inns. 旅馆已代替了旧的客栈。另外还有:tavern, a...

回答于 2014-05-10 08:34

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罗老师的看法很对,我补充几个例句如下:The shop specializes in designer beers. 这家店专卖名牌啤酒。He was wearing expensive designer gear.  他穿着昂贵的品牌服装。Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article. 假的标名手表以远低于真品的价格出售。The little...

回答于 2014-05-09 23:37

19 赞同

Best wishes 后面接介词for还是to

基本同意黎老师的看法,其实后接人时也可能用介词for,只是不如用to那么常见。如: Best wishes for you and yours. ——摘自《张道真英语语法》第351页 总的说来,for后面是接sth。如: Best wishes for your marriage! 祝你们新婚愉快! Best wishes for a speedy recovery. 衷心祝您早日康复。 B...

回答于 2014-05-09 23:21

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fall in love 与be in love的用法区别

▲你认为 fall in love (with) 可能是表示“单相思”,即 A falls in love with B 意思是“A爱上B,但B不一定爱上A”,你是这个意思吗?其实不一定的。A falls in love with B 可以表示:A爱上B,但B不一定爱上A。如:He fell in love with her the first time that he met her. 她那么有魅力,他立刻就爱上她了。A falls in lov...

回答于 2014-05-06 01:01

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▲《薄冰高级英语语法》第7. 74节认为:过去进行时有时可表示过去未实现的愿望或打算,此时的助动词 was / were 须重读。如:I was coming. 我本要来的。I was reading a paper yesterday. 我昨天本要读论文的。 (was须重读,否则会误会为真事) Oh dear! I was writing him a letter this morning and forgot all at it. 哎...

回答于 2014-05-06 00:09

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▲Beachy 说得对,一个 happy 全搞定:五一节快乐 Happy May Da y愚人节快乐 Happy April Fools’ Day万圣节快乐 Happy Halloween复活节快乐 Happy Easter儿童节快乐 Happy Children’s Day妇女节快乐 Happy Women’s Day母亲节快乐 Happy Mother’s Day父亲节快乐 Happy Father’s Day▲例句:Thank you, and a happy Easter to...

回答于 2014-05-05 23:52

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小于1的小数修饰名词用通常要用单数,补充例句如下: One grain equal to 0.0648 grams. 1格令等于0.0648克。 One pound is equal to 0.454 kilograms. 1 磅等于0.454千克。 One yard is equal to 0.91 meters. 1码等于0.91米。 fluoride levels of 0.2 parts per million 百万分之零点二的氟化物含量 She sha...

回答于 2014-05-05 23:43

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▲unless后可以接现在分词(前提是主句与从句的主语一致): Unless you pay by credit card, please pay in cash. 请付现金,除非你使用信用卡。 =Unless paying by credit card, please pay in cash. 请付现金,除非你使用信用卡。 (摘自《朗文英语语法网》第1.58.4节) ▲同意黎老师的说法,你的原句有笔误,U...

回答于 2014-05-05 23:32

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young generation与younger gengeneration哪个对

没错!汉语说“年轻一代”“老一代”等,没有比较意味,但说成英语分别是 the younger generation, the older generation,这些表达习惯上要用比较级,不能用原级。又如:Many representatives of the older generation were there. 老一辈的各类人都在那里。The younger generation only seems to be interested in pop music....

回答于 2014-05-05 11:55

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1. I had a (an) ______with my boyfriend last night.A. appointment            B. date                      C. meet                   D. meeting分析:根据句中的boyfriend可...

回答于 2014-05-05 11:46