龙  楠
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during three days与during the t

during可以用于一段时间,但必须是特定的时间段。如:The clock stopped during the night. 钟夜里停了。We talked during the entire evening. 我们聊了整整一个晚上。Most people work during the day and sleep at night. 大多数人白天工作,夜晚睡觉。During this past week, temperatures have fluctuated 50 degrees....

回答于 2014-10-21 00:31

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1. 连接名词The book fell from the table to the floor. 书从桌上掉到地板上。These skills used to be handed down from father to son. 这些技术以往都是父子相传。2. 连接数词Change from second to third. 从二挡换到三挡。We’...

回答于 2014-10-21 00:17

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如何分析:phone in sick(打电话请病假)

‍1.《柯林斯高阶英语词典》认为 phone in 是 PHRASE,意思是“打电话请病假”,其释义为:If you phone in sick, you telephone your workplace to say that you will not come to work because you are ill.‍2.‍ 既然是 PHRASE,只要记住就可以了,无需细分句子成分(语言中有些习语不仅不能分析句...

回答于 2014-10-20 23:59

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▲对于一个可以接宾语从句的“谓语动词”来说,它后面所接的“宾语+宾补”结构在许多情况下都可将其中的“宾语+宾补”转化成“宾语从句”。如:Do you think it necessary?= Do you think (that) it is necessary? 你认为这有必要吗? I know this to be a fact. = I know (that) this is a fact. 我知道这是事实。I imagined her sli...

回答于 2014-10-18 08:09

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回答于 2014-10-18 07:47

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如何理解a month of Sundays的意思与用法

1. 对话中的 a month of Sundays 是习语,意思是“很久”,相当于 a very long time。又如:He hadn’t seen the family in a month of Sundays. 他很久没见到他的家人了。2. 另外,它还可强调“某事根本不会发生”,多见于否定句,主要用于 (not for / in) a month of Sundays。如:A:Do you think she’ll be able to sel...

回答于 2014-10-16 11:23

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in / for / over / during the last five years 的区别

这四个表达没什么太多区别:in the last five years 在过去的五年中(介词 in 表示“在……当中”)for the last five years 在过去的五年中(介词 for 表示时间的持续)over the last five years 在过去的五年中(介词 over 表示时间贯穿始终)during the last five years 在过去的五年中(介词 during 表示贯穿整个期间,与 o...

回答于 2014-10-16 11:11

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by the hour与by weight

你说得对,用介词 by 表示单位时,意为“以……计”,其后通常接表示计量单位的单数名词,且名词前要用定冠词,如 by the hour, by the day, by the month, by the pound, by the dozen等。如:They let out cars by the day. 他们按天出租汽车。The cloth is sold by the yard. 这种布是按码卖的...

回答于 2014-10-16 08:06

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开学比较忙,有一阵子没来答疑网了,刚才登上英语答疑网,看到了网友quanfa 的解释,我深感惭愧,正如毛主席所说“没有调查,就没有发言权”,我在没有了解实情的情况下,就下了定论,确实是太武断了。其实,我在遇见任何“不正常的状况”时,首先做的是了解事情的缘由,但我没有,既没有调查,也没有了解事情的缘由,就武断地...

回答于 2014-09-28 23:30

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As hard as she tried是什么倒装

同意陈老师的观点,另外补充几个例句: As cold as it was, we went out. 尽管天气很冷,我们还是出去了。(《英语用法指南》第2版第71节) As bad as he is, he has his good points. 他虽不好,但也有其优点。(=Bad as he is…) (《薄冰高级英语语法》第12.16节) As popular as he is, the President ha...

回答于 2014-09-16 07:40