龙  楠
龙 楠 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-01-08


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Be have to的翻译问题

She's 是 She has 的缩写,不是 She is 的缩写。She's had to go to Chicago.=She has had to go to Chicago.

回答于 2021-03-06 09:34

29 赞同



回答于 2021-02-13 16:51

7 赞同

刘老师,in from 中 in 是作副词吗

刘老师的解答已经很清楚了,是你自己进入死胡同了。你的句子中的 in 不可能是副词,否则句子语法不对,意思也不通。句子中的 in 是介词,表示“在……之内”,from...to...表示时间长度或区间。in from...to...的意思是“在……时间区间内”。又如:If uncomplicated, the disease runs its course in from two to five weeks. 如果...

回答于 2021-02-09 15:18

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句子改错题(as we know it )

Smoking as we know it is hazardous to health. I wish I would quit it.我觉得句子有两处错误:一是要将 as we know it 改为 as we know;二是要将 would 改为 could。1. 虽然从结构上看,用 as we know it 并不错,但意义上不通。因为 as we know it 的意思是“现在的”“现存的”“我们所熟悉的”“我们已知的”等,它尤其用于...

回答于 2021-02-08 21:26

4 赞同


说表语修饰主语也可以的。比如张道真的《英语语法大全》的第63节就有如下说明:……和名词一样,形容词也可用在系动词后作补语(表语),修饰主语或说明主语的情况:You are hungry. John is honest. Father seems sad. Mary looks old. I feel tired. Lee remains ill. She is growing fat. 

回答于 2021-02-08 19:47

5 赞同

than any man还是than any other man

有时any 后面的other也可以省略,但属于非通常用法。以下摘自薄冰的《英语语法札记》第1集第231页:He is taller than any other boy in his class.句中any之后应有other,这是许多语法家们的看法,我们也认为这是比较规范的英语,在我国一般英语教学中尤应遵照之。但同时也应注意到any后省去other的情况并不罕见,如:Lond...

回答于 2021-02-08 19:22

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除网友提到的有 because, since, as, now that 外,还有些 for, seeing that, seeing as, in that等。例如:Something fell in, for I heard a splash. 有东西掉进去了,因我听见扑通一声。We may as well go to the concert, seeing as we've already paid for the tickets. 既然我们已经买了票,最好还是去听音乐会吧。See...

回答于 2021-02-07 21:27

3 赞同


在美国英语中,表推测的must也可用于否定句的,此时的 must not=cannot:That’s surprising. Usually she’s a very cautious driver and obeys all the traffic laws. She must not (=can't) have seen the sign. 真是让人吃惊。她通常是很小心驾驶的,而且会遵守所有交通规则。她一定是没有看到那个标志。

回答于 2021-02-03 22:40

3 赞同

never ever的用法正确吗

I have never ever seen that happen before. 我之前从未见到过那种事情。你说:有人认为句子中的 never ever 用得不正确,其实这是有依据的。比如夸克的《英语语法大全》翻译版第747页就有如下说明:……尽管有些人认为ever与never连用是不规范的,但是它与对应的下加状语连用却特别常见。同时《英语语法大全》还列举了下面...

回答于 2021-02-03 17:28

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at sea 为什么要用介词at

用 in 也可以,则要改为 in the sea(注意用定冠词)。

回答于 2021-01-27 09:42