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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-01-07


华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

88351 经验值
主页被访问 31697 次

1379 个回答

6 赞同


▲问题一:这里为什么把 now 用在一般过去时的句子中呢?now 用在一般过去时的句子中很正常,也很普通,通常是为了使表达变得更生动,尽管有人们也将其翻译成“现在”,但其实 now 用于一般过去时它的意思是“当时”“那时”等,当然有时也可能无需翻译出来。如:She was now well into old age. 那时她年事已高。The crisis was n...

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5 赞同


你的句子可以分为两类:▲一类是将来完成时,如你的第一句:There will have been a definite result before Friday. 星期五以前肯定会有结果。本句中的 will 不是情态动词,而是助动词,它不是“情态动词+have+done”结构,而是将来完成时,又如:I expect you will have changed your mind by tomorrow. 我预料到明天你就会...

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5 赞同

“鼠标左键”是left mouse button还是mouse left button

汉语说“鼠标左键”,说成英语是 left mouse button,而不是 mouse left button,因为 mouse button(鼠标按键)是一个语义整体,要表示“鼠标左键”或“鼠标右键”,应在其前加修饰语 left 和 right,即说成 left mouse button 和 right mouse button。比如:The drag operation is still terminated by releasing the mouse but...

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17 赞同

on foot与on tiptoe是否用复数的问题

▲你的老师说得对,习语 on foot(步行,走路)中的 foot 习惯上用单数,不用复数。如:Shall we go by car or on foot? 我们是坐车还是走路去? Today they came here on foot. 今天他们走路来的。It’s easier to get there on foot than by car. 到那儿去,步行比坐车容易。It’s not very far, so we may as well go o...

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4 赞同

a changed man(过去分词作定语)的说法对吗

说 a changed man 完全可以的。如:When he did recover at last, he was a changed man. 病过去之后,他几乎变成另一个人。As set forth, he was a changed man from that moment.  如前所述,自那时起他就变成了另外一个人。又如下面一句摘自《柯林斯高级英语词典》:He has been a changed man since his divorce....

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8 赞同


▲after dusk It’ll cool down this evening, after dusk. 今天今晚,夜幕降临之后,天气会凉快下来。▲at dusk At dusk the lights of the city come on. 黄昏时分城里的灯都亮了。Only a few stars shine at dusk. 黄昏时分只有几颗星星闪烁。The park is close to the public at dusk. 公园每天黄昏时刻停止开放...

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3 赞同

be excellent后接动词用什么形式

个人觉得,你的句子中的 for revitalizing 不宜换成 to revitalize。表示对于做某事非常有效(有用),英语通常是用 be excellent for doing sth,一般不用 be excellent to do sth。又如:Yoga is excellent for relieving stress. 瑜伽能极好地缓解压力。a protein which is excellent for conditioning dry and damaged...

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27 赞同


▲你的两个句子都是对的,用不用 just 都可以(但以用 just 为普通),so 引出的句子用不用倒装也都可以(但以倒装为普通)。如:As they get smarter, so do the crooks. 他们变得更聪明了,骗子也是。(《新牛津英语双解大词典》)Just as you hate Mr. Green, so I dislike his wife.(张道真《现代英语用法词典》)just...

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4 赞同


▲你查了一下有资料,得出如下结论:在主从复合句中,名词通常是放在主句,代词放在从句。回答:你的这个结论基本是正确的,但不绝对!所以你的以下两个句子都是对的:When he realized his mistake, Stephen apologized at once. 当斯蒂芬认识到自己的错误,就马上道歉。Stephen apologized at once when he realized his m...

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6 赞同

set off home还是see off for home

set off 表示“动身”时,后面接名词一定要有介词 for。如:We set off for London just after ten.  刚过十点,我们就动身上伦敦去了。I set off for work at seven. 我七点钟动身上班。后面接副词 home 时通常也有介词 for。如:Then they set off for home. 然后他们就动身回家了。The week before I set off for home was...

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