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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

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1379 个回答

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tell a deliberate lie与tell a lie deliberately的区别

你说的两个句子意思基本相同,均表示“他故意对我们说谎”:He told us a deliberate lie.He told us a lie deliberately. 你的分析也是对的:第一句中的deliberate 为形容词,修饰名词 lie;第二句中的deliberately 为副词,修饰动词 tell。类似的句子如:He speaks good English. 他的英语说得很好。He speaks English well...

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13 赞同


系表结构后面也可以搭配伴随状语的,但此时的伴随状语不是伴随一个动作,而是伴随一个状态。如:(1) He’s in the bar having a drink. 他在酒吧间坐着喝酒。(2) She was in the corner, watching my every move. 她在角落里注视着我的一举一动。(3) She was in London for two years, working as a tourist guide. 她在伦敦...

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8 赞同


1. The change prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second generation after the energetic founders.(1) 句子基本结构为 The change (主语) prevented (谓语) the decline (宾语)。(2) in efficiency 为介词短语,作定语,修饰名词 decline。(3) that so...

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▲题目的答案是对的,解析也是对的。当地点状语修饰带介词的动词短语时,它可以放在动词与介词之间,也可以把地点状语放在句末。所以下面两句都是可以的:He told me to look in the cupboard below the sink for what I needed. He told me to look for what I needed in the cupboard below the sink. 均表示:他叫我到洗...

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4 赞同


▲如果一个名词受到两个并列修饰语的修饰,这个名词到底该用单数还是复数原则上与修饰语没有关系,而与句子语境的需要有关(不管它是可数名词还是不可数名词)。如:Did you want a black and white film, or colour? 你想要黑白胶卷还是彩色目胶卷?Because of the warm and sunny weather oranges grow very well here. 由...

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12 赞同

如何理解the last thing I want to do=我最不想做的事

▲书上的解释是对的。last 其中有个用法就是表示“最不可能的”“最不合适的”,其后通常接不定式作定语或接定语从句。又如: The last thing I want to do is to offend you. 我最不想使你生气。 She’s the last person to trust with a secret. 她是最不可能保密的人。Mary is the last person you’d see in a pub—s...

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表示“河底”可以用under the river吗

‍英语可以说 under the river,注意它不是表示“在河里”,而是表示“在河下”“在河底”。如:We’ll have to dig under the river to lay this pipe. 为埋没这管道我们得从河底下挖。The path goes under the river by way of the tunnel. 这条通道经隧道从河下经过。The decision has not yet been made whether to tunnel unde...

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8 赞同


▲这位网友的看法基本上是对的。must 表推测时,其后通常是接状态动词,如 be, have, know, feel 等。如:If this is true, that must be false. 如果这个是真的,那个必然是假的。He must be the best violinist alive. 他一定是当代最好的小提琴手了。You must feel tired after your long walk. 在走了好长一段路之后,你...

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17 赞同


1. the house roof 等于 the roof of the house 吗?对的。the house roof 等于 the roof of the house,意思是“屋顶”=房屋的顶。2. the sea temperature 等于 the temperature of the sea 吗?对的。the sea temperature 等于 the temperature of the sea,意思是“海洋温度”=海洋的温度。3. the shopping bag 等于 the bag...

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14 赞同


There are a great many careers in which the increasing emphasis is on specialization.句中的 in which 为“介词in+关系代词which”,用以引导定语从句(相当于 where),修饰先行词 careers。整个定语从句为in which the increasing emphasis is on specialization(即定语从句从 in which 开始,到句末结束)。与 speci...

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