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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

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主页被访问 31700 次

1379 个回答

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▲你提供的四个句子,三对一错:他希望在百米赛跑中获头奖。‍正:He hopes to win first prize in the 100-metre race. (1)正:He hopes to win first prize in the 100 metre race. (2)误:He hopes to win first prize in the 100-metres race. (3)‍正:He hopes to win first prize in the 100 metres race. (4)▲当基数词...

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6 赞同

sign up for与for coverage的理解与翻译

问题之一:I sit down, sign up for all my classes, get into them, and I'm happy.我的疑问:sign 是不及物动词为什么不直接用 sign for, 而一定要加上副词 up 呢?解答:sign up 是固定搭配(短语动词),意思是“报名参加”,若表示报名参加……,其后通常接介词 for 或不定式。如:I’ve signed up for a pottery cours...

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30 赞同

如何理解–’s 所有格表示主谓关系和动宾关系

是的,由-’s构成的所有格主要用于表示所有关系,但有时也表示其他关系,比如:(1) 表示主谓关系A teacher’s praise has great effect on his students. 老师的赞扬对学生的影响很大。(比较The teacher praised…)You are reminded once again of the author’s love of the sea. 你会再次感受到作者对大海的热爱。(比较:T...

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▲介词 over 在此表示“俯瞰”,比如《柯林斯高级英语词典》的 over  词条就列有如下用法:PREP 介词 (从…)可以看见;俯瞰(If a window has a view over an area of land or water, you can see the land or water through the window.)该词典提供的例如下:a light and airy bar with a wonderful view over the River...

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hundred, thousand, million这三个词用复数和后接of的规定

你的问题在英语语法网上有多篇文章有详细介绍:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/200811/871.html http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201411/3751.html http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/200905/1203.html 遇到这类语法问题,建议先到英语语法网查一下,若查不到再来提问!

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4 赞同


▲stutter 表示“口吃”,主要指不停地重复一个词的开头部分,比如说 speak,会说成 s…s…s…peak。《朗文高级英语词典》对 stutter 的解释是:to speak with difficulty because you cannot stop yourself from repeating the first consonant of some words(说话有困难,因为你不停地重复某些词开头的辅音字母)▲stammer&nbsp...

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你的问题,曾老师在英语语法网有篇很好的文章,请参考:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201703/5053.html 另外,以下文章也可以参考:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201106/2286.html http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/200905/1193.html http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201702/4978.html 遇...

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7 赞同


你的问题,曾老师曾有过很好的解答,请参见:http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-2998.html 另外补充例句如下:More recently, he's appeared in a number of British films.  最近,他出演了多部英国电影。(朗文高级)Have you seen the most recently published Vogue magazine? 最新一期《时尚》杂志你看过了吗...

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▲两句都对。company 可用作集合名词,若视为整体,它可以被用作单数(连用单数谓语动词和单数代词);若考虑其个体,它可以被用作复数(连用复数谓语动词和复数代词)。At the International  School it has pupils of 46 different nationalities. 这所国际学校有来自46个不同民族的学生。At the International &nbsp...

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except 后通常可接的从句有:(1) that 从句:I would lend you the money except that I don’t have any. 我是肯借钱给你的,只是我没有钱。(2) if 从句:Except if you start at once you’ll be late. 除非你立即动身,否则你就会迟到。(3) when 从句:He’s good-looking except when he smiles. 他长得不错,可一笑就不行...

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