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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

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主页被访问 31705 次

1379 个回答

9 赞同

Could you tell me 后面的宾语从句必须用过去时吗

▲完全同意黎老师的分析。这是很常用的一类句式。又如:Could you tell me what the time is? 请问几点钟了?Could you tell me where the ladies is? 请问女厕所在哪?Could you tell me where Barker Drive is please? 请问 Barker Drive 在哪?Excuse me, but could you tell me where the post office is? 对不起,...

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20 赞同

which it is引导定语从句(it是多余的吗)

As the great scroll of history unrolls, many complicated incidents occur which it is difficult to introduce effectively into the pattern of the likes and dislikes of the epoch in which we live.▲分析:这个 it 并非多余,所以不可省略——因为这里的 which 并非主语(其后的 it 才是定语从句的主语,或叫形式主...

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6 赞同


▲你的两句话都对。第一句:Look at the crying baby. 只有一种理解,即将现在分词 crying 理解为定语。第二句:Look at the baby crying. 则有两种理解,既可将 crying 理解为定语(= Look at the baby who is crying;与前面一句同义),也可以将它理解为宾补。▲对于“look at + 宾语 + doing sth”结构来说,根据不同的语境...

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20 赞同

It is hard doing sth对吗

▲你的这道题填不定式 to view 或动名词 viewing 均可以。句意为:他的行为实难恭维。▲It is hard to do sth 这类句式比较普遍。如:It is hard to know which direction the Church will take. 很难知道基督教将会朝哪个方向发展。It is hard to work efficiently in such a confined space. 在这样狭小的空间里工作很难提...

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11 赞同


我认为两个连在一起的时间完全有可能是两个时间状语。理由如下:1. 有不少知名语法学家是这样认为的(1) 杰弗里·利奇和简·斯瓦特维克合著的《英语交际语法》认为:根据不同意义时间状语可分为三类:表示何时的状语,持续时间状语和频度时间状语:The meeting starts tomorrow at 8 o’clock. 会议将在明天八点开始。以下观点...

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11 赞同


▲表示“对……来说至关重要”,用 crucial for 和 crucial to 均可,两者常可换用。如:The answer to this question is crucial for the future of the human race. 解答这个问题对人类的未来极为重要。(《朗文多功能分类词典》)Early diagnosis of the illness is crucial for successful treatment. 及早诊治对于治疗的成...

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11 赞同

请解释一下see nothing of sb的用法

其实这里的 see nothing of sb 与 see much of sb 的用法是一样的,只是意思有所不同。其中的 nothing 也可以换成 much, little, more, less, a lot of, a great deal of 等(用法相似,但具体的意思需根据 see 后面的词语的意思来确定)。如:(1) I see little of Mr Smith. 我很少见到史密斯先生。(2) We haven’t se...

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临时想到以下一些,仅供参考:▲bother sb with sth Don’t bother him with it now; he’s very busy. 现在不要拿这个去打扰他,他很忙。I’m sorry that I have to bother you with this problem. 对不起,我要用这个问题来麻烦你了。▲charge sb with sthShe charged him with cheating. 她告他进行欺骗。The police are...

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3 赞同

What / When was the last time you…句子用什么疑问词

▲最佳答案应是 when,因为这里是针对时间提问。类似的例句如:When was the last time you made a cake?  你上次做蛋糕是什么时候?When was the last time you had a cigarette? 你上一次吸烟是在什么时候?When is the last time you had a tetanus shot? 你上次打破伤风针是什么时候?When was the last time you l...

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是的,这里的 not Richard 是个省略句,补充完整可以是:I was the one who had been attacked, and it is not Richard who had been attacked. 受到袭击的是我,不是理查德。

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