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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

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  feel 用作连系动词时,它的主语可以是“人”,也可是“物”。 一、以人作主语,表示人的感觉。如: I feel less tired today than I felt yesterday. 我今天感到没有昨天累。 He says he feels doubtful about the new plan. 他说他对新的计划感到怀疑。 二、以物作主语...

回答于 2014-01-19 23:47

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the other day(几天前)前可用介词on吗?

the other day 是固定搭配,本身可用作状语,其前不用介词。如:I saw your friend the other day. 前几天我见到你的朋友。What about that matter the other day? 早几天的那件事怎么样了?We spoke on the phone the other day. 我们几天前还通过电话。I got an email from Jim the other day.  早几天我收到吉...

回答于 2014-01-19 23:33

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英语可说a piece of stamp 吗

不能这样说,因为 stamp 是可数名词,直接说 a stamp 就可以了。注意,虽然 a piece of, a sheet of 等在译成汉语时通常译为“一张……”“一块……”,但是不要以为汉语中的“一张……”“一块……”等就一定要用 a piece of, a sheet of 等来翻译。因为 a piece of, a sheet of 后面只接不可数名词,不能接可数名词。又如:“一张地图”说成...

回答于 2014-01-17 23:42

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表示“随着”,若是指随着……的变化而变化,通常有以下两种表达方式:▲一是用介词 with 来表示,此时其后不能接句子,而是接名词。如:She had grown more attractive with age. 随着年龄的增长,她变得更加妩媚动人。Their confidence grew with each success. 他们的信心随着每一次成功而不断增强。With the establishment o...

回答于 2014-01-17 13:26

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★用动词 change 表示:You don’t have to change at London. 你不用在伦敦换车。You’ll have to change at Manchester. 你得在曼彻斯特换车。Passengers for Oxford must change at Didcot. 前往牛津的旅客必须在迪德考特换车。If you are travelling north, you must change at Leeds.如果你要去北方旅行,你必须在利兹换车...

回答于 2014-01-16 23:15

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an all-you-can-eat meal 大致相当于汉语的“自助餐”吧。比如《麦克米伦高阶美语词典》的解释就是:all-you-can-eat adjective AMERICAN:a restaurant that serves all-you-can-eat food will continue serving you as much of that food as you want for a FIXED PRICE (=price that will not increase or decrease)

回答于 2014-01-16 22:28

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英语可说give a ... cough 吗

可以的。cough 用作名词表示“咳嗽”时,与动词 give 搭配表示“发出咳嗽声”。如以下两句均摘自《牛津英语搭配词典》:The butler gave a little cough to announce his presence. 男管家轻轻咳了一下,示意他已到场。He gave a slight, apologetic cough and said, “Excuse me.”  他抱歉地轻轻咳了一声说:“对不起。”

回答于 2014-01-16 21:54

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B.C.(也可省略其中的句点写成BC)意为“公元前”,由英语before Christ的首字母缩略而来;通常与表示年份或世纪之类的词语连用,并且只能放在其后。如:(1) The Great Pyramid dates from around 2600 BC. 大金字塔约在公元前2600年建造。(2) The skeleton has been dated at about 2000 BC. 这骨架的年代为公元前2000...

回答于 2014-01-16 00:33

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关于 almost 在句中的位置要注意两点:一是它修饰动词时,通常应放在行为动词之前,特殊动词(助动词、情态动词)之后:He was almost dancing for joy. 他高兴得几乎跳起舞来。The pain has almost disappeared. 疼痛几乎完全消失。The inscription on the ring had almost worn away. 这个戒指上的刻印快磨没了。二是它修...

回答于 2014-01-16 00:07

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one after another可用作主语吗

one after another意为“一个接一个地”“相继地”“依次地”,在句中主要用作状语。如:Planes took off one after another. 飞机陆续起飞。One after another we fell asleep.  我们一个个睡着了。One after another all his plans have failed. 他的计划都一一失败了。one after another the buses drew up. 公共汽...

回答于 2014-01-15 23:41