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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

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主页被访问 31723 次

1379 个回答

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用作副词any有时也可修饰形容词的原形,但这种用法很有限,主要是和different搭配使用。如:Why should software be any different? 为什么软件就应该有不同呢? So is it any different to any other car? 那么它与其他车有什么区别呢?We’re not really any different than they are. 我们跟他们其实并没有什么不同。Is yo...

回答于 2014-02-20 22:23

7 赞同


如果语义需要的话,副词(主要是程度副词)可以用于修饰介词短语。如以下各例均摘自不同原版词典:He is very like his mother. 他很像他母亲。This company is badly in need of new blood. 这个公司亟需新人。He was deep in conversation with his accountant. 他与会计深入交谈。Much to my surprise the door was unlo...

回答于 2014-02-20 22:15

3 赞同


现在分词作状语是现在分词的最主要用法。根据不同的语境需要,现在分词可以用作以下状语:1. 作时间状语Having packed up her things, she went to book her ticket. 她收拾好行李之后就去买车票。Having read the instructions, he snatched up the fire extinguisher. 看完说明书之后,他拿起了灭火器。2. 作原因状语Anti...

回答于 2014-02-18 13:32

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这样的问题不好回答,特从《第二课堂》杂志引用以下文章作为回答(原文很长,但因回答有字数限制,故删除了具体的考点分析和部分例题):一、考查有关英语名词的语法问题1. 考查名词的可数性及其修饰语—Would you like some ______?—Yes, a little please. (山东泰安中考题)A. apple B. banana C. orange D. milk分析:根据...

回答于 2014-02-18 13:11

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用英语表示“另外五(个、本、条……)”的方法很多,比较常用的有:方法一:用 another five 表示。如:They drove for another five hours. 他们又行驶了5个小时。I need another five driving lessons before my test. 考试前我还需上5节驾驶课。方法二:用five other…表示(other后必须接名词)。如:He has five other dic...

回答于 2014-02-17 13:23

16 赞同

到底是否可以说think to do sth?

关于是否可以说think to do sth,有以下几点需要注意:1. 若表示打算做某事或想做某事,英语通常用think of doing sth。如:Are you thinking of marrying him? 你打算嫁给他?All along we’ve been thinking of coming to see you. 我们一直想来看你。Have you ever thought of applying for a job abroad? 你曾想要申请去...

回答于 2014-02-17 13:11

9 赞同

not any一定与no同义吗

not any 是否与 no 同义要看情况,not any 是否与 no 用法相同也可看情况。具体说来,以下两种情况值得注意:1. (not) an y和 no 均可用作形容词(现代英语叫限定词),其后可跟可数名词或不可数名词,两者大致同义,只是用no语气更强一些。如:I telephoned, but there was no [wasn’t any] answer. 我打电话了,但没...

回答于 2014-02-17 12:53

1 赞同


没错,当as(虽然)引导让步状语从句时,习惯上要用倒装形式,而且倒装后置于句首的名词习惯上不能连用冠词,此时即使是单数可数名词,其前也不用不定冠词。如:Little child as he is, he knows to help other. 他虽然是个小孩子,但知道帮助别人。Big puzzle as it was, it hadn’t got the better of Jim. 虽然是个大难题,...

回答于 2014-02-17 00:04

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当 man和woman表泛指时,其前可以不用冠词,也可以用不定冠词或复数形式。如:Man and woman were created equal. 男人和女人生来就是平等的。A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle. 一个女人没有男人好比一条鱼没有自行车。(过去女权运动的笑话)Women ask for equal pay because they work as hard as...

回答于 2014-02-16 10:49

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从语法角度看,你的看法完全正确。这两个句子不宜用逗号连接,若要使其语法符合传统的规范,最好作以下改动(至少对英语初学者应遵循以下传统规范):Our class is like a big family, and we get on well with each other.Our class is like a big family; we get on well with each other.Our class is like a big family...

回答于 2014-02-16 10:46