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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

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1379 个回答

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not only...but also...可连接两个非谓语动词吗?

▲not only…but also…连接不定式He decided not only to phone us but also to fax in to us. 他决定不仅要给我们打电话,而且还要给我们发传真订货。The teacher told the students not only to the book but also to remember what they had read. 老师要学生不仅要读那本书,而且要记往所读的内容。▲not...

回答于 2014-03-27 00:01

6 赞同


▲neither…nor…用于连接不定式My client wants neither to buy nor to rent this flat. 我的客户既不想买也不想租这套房子。▲neither…nor…用于连接现在分词They kept silent, neither admitting nor denying their guilt. 他们保持沉默,既不认罪,也不否认自己有罪。What they had said had...

回答于 2014-03-26 18:16

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▲both…and…连接不定式The industry aims both to increase exports and (to) replace imports. 这个行业的目标是增加出口并替代进口。There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer. 正在为实现零部件标准化和减少推出...

回答于 2014-03-26 11:46

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between…and…中的between是介词,所以between…and… 可以连接两个动名词,但通常不宜连接其他非谓语动词。如:He was walking a fine line between being funny and being rude. 他是在幽默和粗鲁之间走钢丝。There’s a world of difference between being alone and being lonely. 独自一人和孤独之间有很大的差别。There’s...

回答于 2014-03-26 11:36

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作文批改Stay Home to Study Abroad

总的说来,是写得不错的一篇文章,不像是出自初学者之手。冒昧作了一些小的改动,不一定对,仅供参考! Stay Home to Study AbroadIn recent years, many students have chosen to go abroad for their further study. Normally, there are two ways for them to afford their life overseas: scholarships or family contr...

回答于 2014-03-24 14:39

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▲你的这个问题确实很有趣!principled 到底是名词变来的还是由动词变来的形容词?▲我查了一下手头的几本词典,principle 确实只有名词用法,没有收录动词用法。在牛津词典查 principle 词条时,可以查到 principled 就是附在名词用法的 principle 后面的,它的意思是 based on or having (esp good) principles of behaviou...

回答于 2014-03-24 12:56

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have to have的用法问题

说have to have完全可以的。前面的have to和后面have分别表示不同的意思:have to表示“必须”“不得不”,后面的have就是动词have的普通用法,如表示“有”“吃”“进行”等。又如:I’ll have to have a word with them about punctuality. 我必须和他们谈一谈守时的问题。If the cortisone doesn’t take, I may have to have surger...

回答于 2014-03-24 12:29

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如何分析a competent enough first n

▲你的理解是对的:enough是修饰competent 的,first 是修饰 novel 的,nothing to get excited about确实有所省略。▲句中的competent 并不表示有能力的或能胜任的等,而是表示“不错的”“尚好的”(=quite good, but not excellent)。如:The novel may be a best seller, but it's no more t...

回答于 2014-03-24 11:47

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that引导的应该是同位语从句。1. that she should look for a job不能分析为宾语从句,因为其前没有可以接宾语从句的及物动词或是相当于及物动词的词。2. that she should look for a job也不能分析为定语从句,因为如果将其理解为定语从句,那么that就应是关系代词,就应在从句中充当主语、宾语或表语,但是很显然,该...

回答于 2014-03-24 11:21

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英语可以说all else吗

英语完全可以说all else。以下例句均算比较权威:Above all else she was seeking love. 她把追求爱情放在其他一切之上。(摘自朗文词典)When all else fails, read the instructions. 别的什么办法都不行的话,就看看使用说明书。(摘自牛津英语用法指南)He taught us to put the interests of the people before all el...

回答于 2014-03-24 11:08