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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

88351 经验值
主页被访问 31607 次

1379 个回答

2 赞同

in as many lines是什么意思

He made five mistakes in as many lines.句中 many 的意思对应前面的数字 five,原句相当于:He made five mistakes in as many lines.= He made five mistakes in the same number of lines.= He made five mistakes in five lines.他在五行里就出了五个错误。类似地:They visited five countries in as many days. 五天...

回答于 2023-12-16 14:36

3 赞同

that of的用法疑问

网友把替代词 that 的用法想得太狭窄了。that of的用法其实就是“the+名词(前面出现过)+of”的替代用法。以网友的句子为例:One of her favourite sounds is that (=the sound) of a kettle singing on the hob. 句意:她最喜爱听的声音之一就是水壶在炉旁铁架上发出的哼哼声。更多例句如:The only sound was that (=the s...

回答于 2023-12-16 10:25

4 赞同

almost / nearly的用法是否合乎情理

I suppose all the children can almost / nearly pass the test.副词 almost / nearly 通常用于它所修饰的词语前面,网友的句子中,almost / nearly 修饰后面的 pass the test,意思是“差不多通过测试”,什么叫“差不多通过测试”?比方说,通过测试的分数是60分,这些孩子的分数可能就是58分,59分59.5分等等,即“差不多通...

回答于 2023-12-15 18:14

3 赞同

分析:If you should happen to see him

If you should happen to see him 的意思就是 If you see him,只不过前面一种说法更委婉(“见到他”的可能性更小)。比如下面的表达,从上往下,一个比一个更委婉:If you see himIf you should see himShould you see himIf you happen to see himIf you should happen to see himShould you happen to see himShould you...

回答于 2023-12-14 21:13

2 赞同


既然动名词的主动式可以作主语,那动名词的被动式也可以作主语啊!你为什么要怀疑动名词被动式作主语的用法呢?举例如下:Being insulted is worse than being killed. 被侮辱比被杀害更糟糕。Being burgled can be a very upsetting experience. 被入室盗窃是一种非常令人苦恼的经历。 Being arrested was one of the wors...

回答于 2023-12-14 21:02

2 赞同

he who 的理解与分析

句中的 he 的意思是“任何人”(anyone)。句中的 who is not for us 为定语从句修饰 he (=anyone)。He who is not for us is against us. 的意思是:不赞成我们的人,就是反对我们的人。又如:He who knows most knows best how little he knows. 知识越多的人就越最清楚地知道自己知道得太少。这类用法现在主要见于某些谚语...

回答于 2023-12-14 20:55

5 赞同

改错:Those special offers are intended to attract people to...

1. 关于be intended to do sth句中的 are 是不能去掉的,be intended to do sth 可看作一个固定搭配,意思是“目的是为了”“旨在”。如:The film was intended to educate people. 这部影片旨在教育人们。The book is intended to be a guide for new parents. 这本书旨在为初为父母者提供指南。The program is intended to p...

回答于 2023-12-09 09:42

4 赞同

分析:as good as it gets

Perhaps his work is about as good as it gets.句中的 as good as it gets 是习语,你查一下词典就知道了(以下截图来自《麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典》):温馨提示:学习不要太偷懒,有不懂的先查一下词典,实在找不到答案再来这里提问。你看看,你这个问题的4朵小花浪费了吧!

回答于 2023-12-08 21:05

9 赞同


第一句:If I were you, I would have done something.根据薄冰老师的观点,If I were you 是固定的说法,其中的 were 不可改为 had been。请看薄冰老师在其《薄冰英语用法问答1144例》中的相关说明,截图如下: 但我觉得薄冰老师的这个结论似乎过于绝对,其实在谈论过去情况的时候,用 if I had been you 也是可以的。比如...

回答于 2023-12-08 20:50

22 赞同

the key of the door有没有这种语法

讲解是对的。英语完全可以说:the key of the door。 请看以下来自Longman English Grammar (1988) by G. L. Alexander的截图:

回答于 2023-12-04 20:29