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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-01-07


华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

88351 经验值
主页被访问 31607 次

1379 个回答

5 赞同

如何理解 long hours(为什么不是 many hours)

前面几位老师对网友的问题从不同角度进行了分析,都很好。下面是我个人的看法,仅供参考。网友对将 long hours 翻译成“长时间”不理解,因为一个 hour 就是 60 个 minutes,不应该说 long hours,应该改用 many hours, a long time。其实,你查一下词典就知道,long 有“长时间的”这个意思。事实上 long 不仅可以修饰 hours,...

回答于 2024-01-07 09:01

4 赞同

he is 能否缩略的问题

He used to be much better off than he's now.我觉得这里的 he is 不宜缩略成 he’s。正如黎老师所说,I’m, he’s, she’s 等这种缩略式不能用于句末,因为当它们位于句末时,动词 be 是要重读的,如果缩略的话,把元音都缩略掉了,就没法重读了。但如果不是句末,则是可以使用 I’m, he’s, she’s 这缩略式的。比如:可以说:I...

回答于 2024-01-05 23:05

6 赞同

分析并翻译:I found him as I had left him.

I found him as I had left him.分析:as I had left him为宾语补足语(从句)。翻译:我发现他和我离开他时一个样子。或译:我发现他还是我离开他时的老样子。

回答于 2023-12-30 09:34

3 赞同


He is as old as I am.The tree is as tall as the house (is).Not everyone is as clever as he is.句中 as 引导的比较从句是修饰程度副词 as 的(即修饰形容词前面那个 as),指主句中程度副词 as 所表示的程度与 as 从句中被省略形容词(即所谓的比较对应项)的程度相同。以网友的第一句为例:He is as old as I am 指的...

回答于 2023-12-24 11:13

15 赞同

分析:The pool is nearly as wide as it is long.


回答于 2023-12-23 00:43

6 赞同

是否有drive sb to doing sth的用法

英语完全可以说 drive sb to doing sth,也可以说 drive sb to do sth,均表示“迫使某人做某事”,有人认为 drive sb to doing sth 更被人认可,但实际上用 drive sb to do sth 的情况也很常见。如:He drove her to admit / to admitting it. 他迫使她承认了那件事。His loneliness drove him to commit / to committing su...

回答于 2023-12-22 22:34

7 赞同

what little time 与 how little time 的区别

查看网友给的链接,关于 how little time 的用法,曹老师已给出了很好回答。网友在这里的问题是:英语是否可以说 what little time,如果可以说what little time,那what little time与how little time有什么区别。首先要明确的是,英语完全可以说 what little time。what little time与how little time的区别简单说明如下...

回答于 2023-12-22 08:40

4 赞同

翻译:He did his work as well as could be expected.

He did his work as well as could be expected.翻译:他的工作做得好极了。as well as could be expected = as well as it could be expected that he would do his work又如:He was now as strong as could be expected. 他的身体要多结实就有多结实。as strong as could be expected= as strong as it could be expecte...

回答于 2023-12-20 00:56

1 赞同

part of 与 a part of 的区别

你的句子加上不定冠词也可以的。表示“一部分…”时,可用part of或a part of均可,其中的不定冠词可以省略的。又如:I read only (a) part of the novel. 这部小说我只看过一部分。We spent (a) part of our holiday in France. 我们假期一段时间是在法国度过的。

回答于 2023-12-20 00:52

3 赞同

There stood…句式省略there的疑问

1.括号内的there可以省略是的,你的句子中的 there 放在括号内是表示可以省略。我们知道,there stands…句式可视为 there be…句式的变体,意思“在……站着或耸立着……”。如:There stood a tired child in the street corner. 街角处站着一个疲惫的孩子。There stood a man at the door with his hat in his hand. 门口站着一...

回答于 2023-12-17 14:44